Any way to use 32 bit FX (DebugMode Wax) in 64 bit Vegas Pro?

kplo wrote on 5/14/2020, 4:23 PM

I really miss the simple, useful 32 bit DebugMode PluginPac and Wax tools that let you move stuff on the Z axis. There doesn't seem to be any native or free tool in 64 bit Vegas versions that does that. The Win 7 WOW64 thingy lets 32bit programs open in Win 7 64 (my old Boris Red, etc.), but is there any way at all to use these 32 bit gems inside Vegas Pro 64 versions?

Please pardon my software ignorance on this.



Marco. wrote on 5/14/2020, 4:28 PM

Unfortunately I doubt there is a way to use these two plug-ins in any of the newer Vegas Pro versions. Support terminated long time ago.

But meanwhile there are other plug-ins available (native and third party) which should offer same or similar features, just like Happy Otter Scripts.

What are the particular features you are missing?

kplo wrote on 5/14/2020, 5:09 PM

Simply moving an element on the Z axis. I used PluginPac for this, combined with Pan/Crop for easy fly-ins from "behind the camera". Pan/Crop alone doesn't cut it. Boris Red standalone will do it, but the round trip from Vegas is a PITA.

My ancient copy of Sound Forge (Preferred audio editor) can't be launched from within 64 bit Vegas either...I know Vegas has excellent sound tools, but I'm used to the larger, simple interface for fine cutting words, etc.

Marco. wrote on 5/14/2020, 5:33 PM

Isn't the Track Motion mode "3D Source Alpha" a way to handle the Z axis movements? Of couse you can't apply on Event base but Track based only. Some of the Ignite Pro Warp FX may do same or similar.

Which version of Sound Forge is this? With Vegas Pro 17 I still use Sound Forge Pro 10 (which is 32 bit).

kplo wrote on 5/14/2020, 5:36 PM

I'm using my old Sonic Foundry 5 or 6, also 32 bit.

kplo wrote on 5/15/2020, 12:21 PM

Thanks Marco, for the track FX reminder. I've tried it in the past, but have had to dedicate a whole track to those FX because my old brain keeps forgetting to "zero out" the track markers between affected events and something down the line gets affected also. Still, it looks like the easiest way without jumping to another program.