
musicvid10 wrote on 8/4/2016, 6:24 AM
Cartooner from New Blue is still free, I think.
vkmast wrote on 8/4/2016, 7:22 AM
Unfortunately, the free NewBlue Cartoonr does not seem to be available any more.

Besides the free HitFilm 4 Express, which has Cartoon in Stylize effects, there seems to be the Cartoonr Plus in the NewBlue Paint Effects (and Blends) package, now on offer ( -70%) here.
Click the video to see the included plug-ins.
edit: if you click the Effects video, it gives you the Blends (transitions) version of the Effects package.
The SCS Partner products page lists both versions as well, but at a price.

The OP needs to check with NewBlue if he's interested.
Maybe NewBlue has a wrong video under Paint Effects on their NBFX Vault page.
