Dumb HDV External Monitor Questions

JJKizak wrote on 2/26/2005, 1:41 PM
When I use preview auto the external tv set NTSC is not bad with a bit of jerking around with the HDV on the timeline. I'm going thru the ADVC-300 to S-Video to the TV set. Can Vegas play back HDV without any problem? Can the Firewire support it also? Can the component output of the ADVC300 support HDV? If I get an HDTV (not an LCD monitor) and feed it with the ADVC-300 will it work? I don't use the internal monitors for previewing. When I feed the Z1 directly to the HDTV component) it works perfectly. After capturing with Cineform I change the m2t ile ending to tp and it plays perfectly in the MY-HD 120 card feeding the HDTV. I will get another small HDTV set to use as an external monitor if it will work. Unless there are some monitors with firewire inputs. That would be kool.



Spot|DSE wrote on 2/26/2005, 4:38 PM
At this time, there are no external decoders of m2t streams available. This will be changing VERY soon.
So, to monitor, you have 2 choices from the camera:
1. Analog, uncompressed HD. You'll need an HD monitor to view this.
2. Analog-uncompressed SD. Any monitor will work. This is how I'm currently monitoring.

The Firewire output DOES output HD, but it's latent because it's post compression. One thing I've not tried to set up with the Z1 is recording to HD while downconverting simultaneously to SD for Firewire output. It would still be latent, but I'm pretty sure you could do that.
Vegas can play back the Cineform-conformed/DI on the timeline without problems if your system is up to snuff, but the m2t streams won't play back on the Vegas timeline very smoothly at all.
Having the Canopus won't do you any good at all. It can only pass DV information. To preview externally, you'll need either the Decklink card, or have a high resolution LCD panel. Without the Decklink, at the moment there is no way to send HD out of Vegas to a CRT monitor.
I probably just confused the issue worst?
the_learninator wrote on 2/26/2005, 5:11 PM
i have a s-video out on my video card so if i get this advc-300 i should be able to preview my work on my tv?

Spot|DSE wrote on 2/26/2005, 5:25 PM
Preview out of Vegas is ONLY from the 1394 port. So, with the ADVC, you'd plug from the Firewire out of your computer to the ADVC, which converts the digital signal to the analog signal that your television needs.
JJKizak wrote on 2/27/2005, 6:37 AM
Thanks DSE. That really does answer my questions. The preview/auto just barely cuts it so I'll have to stick with it until something comes along.

Spot|DSE wrote on 2/27/2005, 10:24 AM
With HDV being so aggressive in it's move in the market, and NAB being right around the corner...you'll likely see a lot at NAB. How it may or may not relate to Vegas, I can't comment. But there are companies with tools in the works.