When I use preview auto the external tv set NTSC is not bad with a bit of jerking around with the HDV on the timeline. I'm going thru the ADVC-300 to S-Video to the TV set. Can Vegas play back HDV without any problem? Can the Firewire support it also? Can the component output of the ADVC300 support HDV? If I get an HDTV (not an LCD monitor) and feed it with the ADVC-300 will it work? I don't use the internal monitors for previewing. When I feed the Z1 directly to the HDTV component) it works perfectly. After capturing with Cineform I change the m2t ile ending to tp and it plays perfectly in the MY-HD 120 card feeding the HDTV. I will get another small HDTV set to use as an external monitor if it will work. Unless there are some monitors with firewire inputs. That would be kool.