Not sure how many of you have tried using .swf files in Vegas 5 but if you haven't tried flash text animations yet you are encouraged to do so. Text animations that would otherwise be very complex to keyframe are now easily achieved. SWF titles scale very well, they look clean, timeline preview is FAST- I think it'll really open up some sophisicated new looks for many of you. You don't have to go all wild and hokey- there are some very nice artistic possiblities here, especially in conjunction with V5's other motion-graphics enhancements.
FlashMX works well for creating .swf files obviously, but Swish and Wildform have some great preset looks and are cost effective too.
free demos:
With either of these, type something out then walk through the animation presets. Save the cool ones as .swf, load on the V5 timeline, off you go. Please post examples if you come up wih something especially cool.
FlashMX works well for creating .swf files obviously, but Swish and Wildform have some great preset looks and are cost effective too.
free demos:
With either of these, type something out then walk through the animation presets. Save the cool ones as .swf, load on the V5 timeline, off you go. Please post examples if you come up wih something especially cool.