How to restore crashed files

pusaicat wrote on 12/25/2024, 5:04 AM

My computer froze while I was working on my project in Vegas Pro 19. Had to shut down and reboot. When I tried to bring up the autosaved project, a window opened that said the file could not be found. I found it in the autosaved list, except it was autosaved in Pro 16. All my .veg.bak files are in 16 because I don't know how to fix this! Can I change the autosaved .veg.bak from 16 to 19? I found where I could choose to open it in 19 but I still get that the file cannot be found. Please help!


jetdv wrote on 12/25/2024, 7:43 AM

So you're saying Windows is opening VEGAS Pro 16 instead of VEGAS Pro 19 when you double-click on the VEG file? If so, that's a Windows issue. You need to tell Windows that VEG files should now be opening in VEGAS Pro 19. You can search on how to properly assign that. Typically when running a version of VEGAS to which it's not assigned, it will also ask if you want to change the assignment to that version.

As for .veg.bak files, I would rename them to .veg. Then just open VEGAS Pro 19 and open that VEG file.