What can I say?
I want to humbly thank EVERYONE who voted for Cathy's First Time on the VASST website. You guys really lifted my spirits. I was thrilled when it went to #5; extatic when it went to #3 and when I heard that it briefly went to #1, I was - um... what comes after extatic? Then it dropped in a voting war, but when it finally WON! I was hopelessly overwhelmed.
I've had several requests for a tutorial on the editing of that vid. I plan on putting out a bunch of fires here that have been gaining the upper hand while I was up there at NAB, but will put something together when I can breath again. If it's good enough, the kind folk at VASST said they may host the tut.
I'll do my best.
Thank you everyone.
What can I say?
I want to humbly thank EVERYONE who voted for Cathy's First Time on the VASST website. You guys really lifted my spirits. I was thrilled when it went to #5; extatic when it went to #3 and when I heard that it briefly went to #1, I was - um... what comes after extatic? Then it dropped in a voting war, but when it finally WON! I was hopelessly overwhelmed.
I've had several requests for a tutorial on the editing of that vid. I plan on putting out a bunch of fires here that have been gaining the upper hand while I was up there at NAB, but will put something together when I can breath again. If it's good enough, the kind folk at VASST said they may host the tut.
I'll do my best.
Thank you everyone.