importing premiere project

Wim-Smeets wrote on 12/4/2024, 9:50 AM

I am a new user of Vegas PRO and i am trying to convert my Adobe Premiere projects (an older version CS5.5!0 to VEGAS Pro 21.0. I am running VEGAS on a windows 11 desktop.

But i am dealing with a lot of problems. Is there a text in which i can found what criteria a project should fulfill to import it properly.

I have now reduced the premiere project to only 2 clips and 1 sequence and still i see that only the first clip is stored in the timeline with the sound track. Al the following clips have no sound track.

The log file reports the following:

Exception Message: Invalid project.
Stack Trace:   at VegasScripts.AEImporter.ImportAudioEffects(ClipTrackItemInfo itemInfo, TrackEvent trackEvent)
   at VegasScripts.AEImporter.ImportClipTrackItem(Track track, XmlNodeList trackItems, Int32 trackItemIdx, Int32 trackID, Boolean is51surround)
   at VegasScripts.AEImporter.ImportTrack(XmlElement eltTrack)
   at VegasScripts.AEImporter.ImportSequence(XmlElement eltDoc)
   at VegasScripts.AEImporter.Import(String fileName, Vegas vegas, Project project, LogCallback log, Action createUndoBlock, Action disposeUndoBlock)
   at VegasScripts.ProjectInterchangeImporter.HandleInvokedInternal(String openDialogName, String openDialogExt, String undoBlockName, IImporter importer)


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