Kernel32.dll error with 24bit playback with DSP Factory

pr0be wrote on 12/1/2001, 12:02 AM
I get this lovely message (see below) when I choose 24/44.1 playback for my Yamaha DSPF. Any idea what the problem is? This never happened in VV2. The file I was working on consisted of three stereo wav files on two tacks. All three were imported in VV3 via the Import CD Tracks option. They play fine at 16/44.1.
On another note, the activation code SF sent me doesnt work. And either did the one I got from the website.

Athlon 1.2
abit kt7a-raid MOBO (raid 0)
2 40gig maxtors
Asus GeForce 2 MX
DSPF w/ ax16 (latest drivers)
BSLive 5.1

Sonic Foundry Vegas Video 3.0
Version 3.0 (Build 76)
Exception 0xC0000005 (access violation) READ:0xFFFFFFFF IP:0x0
In Module 'VEGAS30.EXE' at Address 0x0 + 0x0
Thread: GUI ID=0xFFF14BB7 Stack=0xDBD000-0xDC0000
EAX=00000000 CS=017f EIP=00000000 EFLGS=00010246
EBX=00dbddc8 SS=0187 ESP=00dbdd2c EBP=00000000
ECX=00000000 DS=0187 ESI=027ccf50 FS=135f
EDX=00000a0d ES=0187 EDI=00000000 GS=0000
Bytes at CS:EIP:
00000000: .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. ........
00000008: .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. ........
Stack Dump:
00DBDD2C: 011D258D 01000000 + 1D258D (VEGAS30K.DLL)
00DBDD30: 027CCF50 025F0000 + 1DCF50
00DBDD34: 00000001
00DBDD38: 00000000
00DBDD3C: 00000000
00DBDD40: 00000000
00DBDD44: 00000000
00DBDD48: 00000000
00DBDD4C: 00000000
00DBDD50: 027CCF50 025F0000 + 1DCF50
00DBDD54: 8004E000 8001A000 + 34000
00DBDD58: 011D24F3 01000000 + 1D24F3 (VEGAS30K.DLL)
00DBDD5C: 027CCF50 025F0000 + 1DCF50
00DBDD60: 00000000
00DBDD64: 00DBDDAC 00CB0000 + 10DDAC
00DBDD68: 00000000
> 00DBDD70: BFFC9490 BFF70000 + 59490 (KERNEL32.DLL)
> 00DBDD74: BFF7B84E BFF70000 + B84E (KERNEL32.DLL)
> 00DBDD78: 0119BF5A 01000000 + 19BF5A (VEGAS30K.DLL)
00DBDD7C: 027CCF50 025F0000 + 1DCF50
00DBDD80: 00C27022 00B90000 + 97022
00DBDD84: 00000000
00DBDD88: 00000000
> 00DBDD94: 011964E0 01000000 + 1964E0 (VEGAS30K.DLL)
00DBDD98: 00C26B18 00B90000 + 96B18
00DBDD9C: 00000000
00DBDDA0: 00000001
00DBDDA4: 00F02130 00EE0000 + 22130
> 00DBDDB0: 0119D0C9 01000000 + 19D0C9 (VEGAS30K.DLL)
00DBDDB4: 0000AC44
00DBDDB8: 00000000
00DBDDBC: 00000001
00DBDDC0: 00F02130 00EE0000 + 22130
> 00DBDDD0: 0119C021 01000000 + 19C021 (VEGAS30K.DLL)
- - -
00DBFFF0: 3B3720CE 35690000 + 5CE20CE
00DBFFF4: 82FA5FEC 82F83000 + 22FEC
00DBFFF8: BFF89DD5 BFF70000 + 19DD5 (KERNEL32.DLL)
00DBFFFC: 00000000


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