Render a rendered file or not

Maverick wrote on 11/3/2012, 5:14 PM
I have a project that is just over 30 minutes long.

It's 1920x1080 50p AVCHD which I have rendered back to the same to keep the quality.

I also want to render to 1280x720 25p to distribute to friends/family as most don't have 1080p compatible TVs. Plus it will help keep rendering times and sizes down, especially as I have many projects similar to finish.

Could I simply place the 1080p rendered file back on the timeline and render to 720 25p and still keep great quality or am I better off rendering from the original timeline? Would render time be any quicker from the rendered 1080 than straight from the unrendered timeline?



musicvid10 wrote on 11/3/2012, 5:43 PM
Each generation of encoding AVCHD in Vegas introduces some losses.
Smart rendering for that format is not available (yet).

So the answer is to render from the source, regardless of the output.
Maverick wrote on 11/4/2012, 11:32 AM
Thanks. What I thought but just wanted it confirmed.
Laurence wrote on 11/4/2012, 11:44 AM
You can render to a smartrenderable format instead. Also, it is the codec, not the format that is important. I smartrender between HDV m2t, .mxf and XDCAM .mp4 which all use the same mpeg2 codec. Just make sure that the parameters are the same interlaced format (it can be progressive as long as it is flagged as interlaced).