I thought it was a misprint until I saw it here for even a little cheaper (I don't know how legit these guys are though but BH Photo has a great reputation).
I wish SONY would release the specifics on how upgrading to 64bit Vegas is going to work (or if it's going to be a separate full on purchase initially). I'm really itching to get my hands on it when its released.
Cliff Etzel - Immersive Video Journalist bluprojekt
I have V8 (without a box) that I paid Sony $50 more for BUT I am afraid to install it. I keep reading all the problems (bugs) that people have been having with it and since 7 is working well and I don't seem to have a burning need for the new titler _IF IT AIN'T BROKE DON'T FIX IT.
I must be one of the fortunate ones since it has been rock solid for me from the get go - then again, I'm not editing HDV so that might be the caveat as to why it has been so stable.
The new titler and 32bit editing has been a huge plus for me so I"m very pleased with the performance on 64bit XP Pro.
Cliff Etzel - Immersive Video Journalist bluprojekt
I have V8 (without a box) that I paid Sony $50 more for BUT I am afraid to install it. I keep reading all the problems (bugs) that people have been having with it and since 7 is working well and I don't seem to have a burning need for the new titler _IF IT AIN'T BROKE DON'T FIX IT.
a) installing it won't affect your previous versions of vegas
b) nobody said you had to buy it so "if it ain't broke don't fix it", why did ya buy it? :)
I'm ok with this. I wanted my upgrade as early as possible. I paid $149 for the unboxed version. Sony did not give me any price guarantee. I just assumed it would cost more later. The $99 price might kick more users to VP8 and that's all to the good for this forum. But ----------- I'd be peeved if I just bought the upgrade last minute on Oct 31st and now a few weeks later I see it for $50 less. I'd be bummed for sure. I'd be even more bummed if I bought the boxed upgrade from Sony today for $249.95 as listed on the Sony Creative Software site.
Adontech, you said: ” I thought I was saving money buy purchasing my upgrade from Sony. Never again...” I think your reaction is too abrupt. Probably Sony Creative Software will announce the 64 bit version of Vegas in a short time, and it is typical that you can purchase Vegas for a low prize from other vendors just before the release of a new version. I’m convinced that next time, Sony can offer the lowest upgrade prize.
Conclusion: I expect that Sony Creative Software will announce the 64 bit version of Vegas very soon. And I’m looking forward to this announcement.
This is strange when I go to B&H on my own I cannot find this 99 dollar deal. But if I use the link you all have in the forum there it is. has anyone else gone there what is it listed under.
Hmm. Went to B&H. First time I ever saw an upgrade sticker on a box. Every previous upgrade I have purchased has been a full version. Never needed to have a previous version installed or have a previous version install disk handy.
I wonder if things have changed for this particular upgrade price???
xberk: But ----------- I'd be peeved if I just bought the upgrade last minute on Oct 31st and now a few weeks later I see it for $50 less.
As one of the last minute upgrader (Nov 1st, in fact -- was having credit card issues on the 31st, but I thought I'd give it a shot on the 1st, and it worked thankfully), I'm not bummed. The early bird special also allowed me to add Cinescore at a reduce price and with two free theme packs. So I still came out ahead.
I bought my first copy of Vegas 6 from B&H for $99 when I decided to go "legit". I've upgraded from Sony both times. I think roughly for $140 each time (7 & 8). I guess I really can't complain much because those are both very good prices. Plus the earlier versions didn't include DVD Architect. With DVDA included, you have no excuse!
It's amazing that the price is so low on it though. They are really serious about breaking in! I think it kills Adobe Premiere.... and I own shares of Adobe!
If it helps, I installed in a separate directory and ran it for a couple of months before I made the switch. It tells you when you open a Vegas 7 file that you are doing so and you should save to another file if you still want to use Vegas 7. I did the same transition with 6 to 7. So far I've never had problems migrating.
"" I'd be peeved if I just bought the upgrade last minute on Oct 31st and now a few weeks later I see it for $50 less""
Yep, I bought my upgrade on 10/31. Less than a month and I can buy it elsewhere for $50 less. That's the boat I'm in. I emailed customer support and asked if they would match the price since it has been less than 30 days and I got the following answer:
The web site you provided to me is not our web site. I am sorry but we do not deal with the web site. Our web site is http://www.sonycreativesoftware.com/products/default.asp
I hope this information is helpful. If you have follow up questions or need further assistance with this issue, please update this incident.