I have clips that are 16:9 but I want a much wider ratio (kind of like on a panaramic view) to run as a header for my web-page. How do I change the aspect ratio of my output ?
My favorite way to do this is to make a mask with the cookie cutter with the following settings and put this on the preview window. With the size slider I can change the size of the mask.
Gee 3POINT that's useful. I never thought of using Repeat X (or Y) to get around the restriction of not being able to use Size to alter the X and Y dimensions independently so as to change the aspect of the cut area. Thanks.
Ehemaliger User
schrieb am 24.01.2017 um 09:29 Uhr
That is great. Mine didn't turn out the way I wanted. I need it to be 1200 x 2000. What does the 0.430 represent ?? I'm also getting the dead black space on top and bottom.
If you use a Mask, you will get letter boxing (black bars.)
If you adjust your project settings, then render to a profile that matches (=) your project settings you will get a video file that has no bars and is the dimensions you set in the project.
"1200 x 2000 " is not a video standard. Vegas profiles are setup for Film, TV, internet streaming standards. If you want to render a "1200 x 2000 " file then you need to modify a render template to match the project settings. But you will also introduce image artifacts with the scaling of video to an odd size.
720p = 1280x720
1080p = 1920x1080
Obviously those numbers are flipped, if you are doing Portrait video (smart phone like video)