
EricLNZ schrieb am 29.01.2018 um 07:39 Uhr

DVDA7 is what is supplied nowadays with Vegas Pro and VMS products. I assume it's an improvement on DVDA6 but don't have the knowledge to comment. Why not install both then you can make a personal decision as to which you prefer?

Steve Grisetti schrieb am 29.01.2018 um 14:22 Uhr

Version 6 was kind of notoriously buggy, Foskey. Its only advantage over version 5 was that it included an option to burn 3D BluRays -- but at the cost of a lot of buggy behavior.

I'd very much recommend either stepping back to version 5 or, better, moving to version 7, which includes all of version 6's functionality without its problems.