Community rules – our netiquette

When a lot of people come together in a place like the VEGAS Community, it's important to lay down a few ground rules to ensure a high-quality experience for everyone.

The following rules apply to

We reserve the right to change to the community rules at any time. We will inform you of such changes within a reasonable amount of time before they go into effect.

1. This is a community, not a competition

Respect the opinions and views of other members of the community. Insults, coarse language, and harassment of any kind towards other community members is forbidden. Everyone is welcome in the VEGAS Community regardless of age, gender, disability, nationality, physical appearance, sexual orientation, citizenship, language, political affiliation, race or religion. Therefore, we expect every member to be respectful and friendly when interacting with other users within the forum. Avoid provoking other members and keep your comments factual and objective. Angry posts will be deleted. Members who wrote such posts will be warned and in case of repeated violations will be banned from the community.

2. Ask meaningful, friendly questions

  1. Make your posts and questions as friendly and understandable as possible.
  2. If you ask a question about a specific product or online service, remember to include information about your hardware, operating system and the software or service you are using, including the version number (e.g. Movie Edit Pro 2022).
  3. is a free service providing answers to questions and discussions in the field of multimedia. However, does not replace technical support. Sometimes it can happen that your comments or questions remain unanswered. In such cases, please contact our support team directly. A clear and detailed wording can sometimes work wonders.
  4. Members of the editorial team and moderators will provide help on how to use and will monitor and mediate discussions. However, moderators are not official MAGIX Support staff members. If you don't receive an answer to your question, get in touch with MAGIX Support at:

Note: Editors and moderators of this website reserve the right to edit content in order to sort topics, to avoid provocations and to formulate questions in a more precise manner. We appreciate your understanding.

3. Avoid repeated or meaningless topics

Many problems have already been discussed in the community, with solutions being already available for them. We recommend using the search feature to look for an answer to your question before opening a new thread. This helps the forum remain uncluttered and cuts down on the number of posts with the same content. Cross posting, i.e. spreading around the same content in multiple categories should be avoided.

Do not make posts that lack informative input. This includes posts that consist of only 1 to 3 words (e.g. to acknowledge the post before yours) or posts that only contain emoticons. The editors and moderators will delete these kind of posts if they become aware of them. Unnecessary quotes may also be shortened or deleted. We all want to find the right information as quickly as possible and not have to read through a wall of emojis first.

4. Media

The media section within the community gives you the opportunity to share your creations and to get feedback from other users. However, there are a few rules to keep in mind:

  1. Number of uploads per user is limited to 2 media files per day, so no creations go unseen and everyone can get their fair share of feedback.
  2. When giving feedback on art works, be sure to use a friendly tone - always criticize the art work in a constructive manner, never the artist.
  3. MAGIX is headquartered in the Federal Republic of Germany. Freedom of expression applies here. Everyone is invited to express themselves and their feelings freely. However, the responsibility towards minors must not be forgotten, and so it may happen that editors and moderators decide on a case-by-case level whether a piece of content is equally suitable for all age groups.

5. Advertising and Spam

Use of the community for commercial purposes of any kind is forbidden. The distribution of Spam content is also prohibited.

6. Promotion of illegal copies and illegal downloads, and pornographic, racist, or discriminating contributions

Requesting, promoting, advertising, and linking to copyright-protected material for illegal purposes is strictly forbidden. Linking to, advertising and displaying pornographic material will not be tolerated. Entries which incite racial hatred or provoke seditious actions may be punishable by law. Discrimination or insults against other users and minorities will not be tolerated.

7. Directives – Noncompliance

Please follow the instructions provided by our editors and moderators. We want to keep the quality of discussions at a consistently high level and prevent content which is offensive to users, MAGIX employees and moderators. Those who use the forums as a personal venting ground, as well as those who repeatedly cause trouble will face consequences for doing so.

Harassing other members may be met with warnings, temporary bans or complete removal from the community by the editors and moderators. The rules apply in private messages, in the forums and all other areas of the community.

Violations against these rules should be reported to the MAGIX Team:

8. Double registration

Multiple registrations made by the same user are not permitted. Such behavior would lead to confusion, incorrect ratings and mistrust among users. The administrators reserve the right to delete accounts which are proven to be duplicates.

9. Exceptions to the rule

In individual cases which have not been covered by the rules described above, the administrators and moderators will make decisions based on the relevant facts.

10. Names

Publishing or mentioning the names of MAGIX employees in your posts is not permitted.

We hope you have a fun and educational experience at
Your MAGIX Team

Status: November 2021

Please contact us for inquiries about the community rules at:
For legal questions, please refer to the Terms & Conditions.