
Steve Grisetti schrieb am 28.03.2017 um 03:50 Uhr

Version 6 was notorious for this kind of thing. I used it for about three projects before rolling back to version 5. (6's main advantage is that it can create 3D BluRays.) And version 7 is terrific.

What happens if you start a new project, add a short MPEG to it and then burn a disc (or prepare disc files) on your version 6 -- just as an experiment?

FoskeyMedia schrieb am 28.03.2017 um 05:57 Uhr

Wel... what I did this time....instead of closing it out when I got "NO RESPONSE" I just let it run and went off to work. When I got back 3 hours later... the screen was sitting there waiting for me to burn. So maybe its my PC.. or I'm impatient. I"ll see how the next project goes in a few days and report back.


FoskeyMedia schrieb am 28.03.2017 um 08:17 Uhr

It seems to be stuck again. I got to tyhe screen where you an burn a disc...but everbnthing I click FINISH it goes to NOT RESPONDING for a few minutes and then back for me to click FINISH again with no results. I viious cycle. I never had this problem before. I really need to burn these DVDs


EricLNZ schrieb am 28.03.2017 um 09:19 Uhr

As a temporary fix since you need to get the DVDs done try burning to a disc image. Then use other burning software such as Nero, ImgBurn etc to actually burn the discs.

FoskeyMedia schrieb am 28.03.2017 um 09:32 Uhr

I will try that. Don't have any of those softwares.. Have to try and find a copy. I do have the Audio TS and Video TS files. I can't even find a link to send a ticker to (I'm not sure who handles DVDA now)

NickHope schrieb am 29.03.2017 um 05:30 Uhr

I will try that. Don't have any of those softwares.. Have to try and find a copy.

http://www.imgburn.com (free)

I can't even find a link to send a ticker to (I'm not sure who handles DVDA now)

https://support2.magix.com/customer/en/vegas/form Include as much detailed information about the problem as you can.