3D Text W/Transparent Background ??

hap123 wrote on 12/22/2002, 1:24 PM
I want to do 3D text and have the background of the 3D text transparent, as to not cover the track below? The text in VV has those little dark and light squares and the text is on top. Can Ulead Cool 3D do this? What does? I have Ulead Cool 3D v3.5. I am a real newbie and this is my first stop/read/and go project (wedding) using VV3.0 What a way to jump in.
Don't move, I will be back!!!

Thanks - Henry

PS I thought I read somewhere about making still from the video clip??? Is that possible?? I know, one thing at a time :-)


Spot|DSE wrote on 12/22/2002, 1:37 PM
Vegas can't create 3D text. If you want 3d, you'll have to create it in some other tool like Ulead's, and render in that application with an alpha channel. Vegas will auto sense the alpha channel, if it doesn't, report back here and we'll tell you how to sniff it.
Creating a still is as easy as hitting the 'copy to clipboard' button in your preview window. Or clicking the little floppy disk right next to the copy to clipboard. then you can either import the still to the timeline, or to your favorite photo editing app. Or your not-so-favorite photo editing app.
BillyBoy wrote on 12/22/2002, 3:11 PM
Like SPOT said, pretty simple straight forward stuff. You can take it a step further and animate the 3D text. I'll put up a little sample on Kelly's site. Please give Kelly time to review and add when he has time.

I used Xara3D which is similar to Ulead's. With it you can control the text, size, shape, bevel, shadows and lighting and add rotation as well. It exports to a AVI, which you can open in Vegas, then just add a velocity envelope to control the speed and elimate the background using the ChromaKeyer. Total project time: 30 seconds.

You can of course get a lot fancier with other filters. :-)
JohnnyRoy wrote on 12/22/2002, 3:29 PM
I use Ulead Cool3D for this sort of stuff all the time. To save it with an alpha channel you must override the default 24bit AVI selection and used Uncompressed 32bit under the AVI compression settings. This wasn’t obvious to me the first time I used it.

hap123 wrote on 12/22/2002, 4:09 PM
I am up and running (past this point) and have a good feeling about all of this.

Thanks again - Henry
tjburton wrote on 1/10/2003, 11:56 AM
I have created some 32bit avi's in Cool 3D 3.5
Vegas is not seeing the background as transparent. Can you tell me how to force vegas to see the alpha chanel?

Tim Burton
snicholshms wrote on 1/10/2003, 1:36 PM
Tim Burton:
"I have created some 32bit avi's in Cool 3D 3.5
Vegas is not seeing the background as transparent. Can you tell me how to force vegas to see the alpha chanel?"

Try this:
Don't force anything! Seriously, with your Cool 3D rendered title in the Vegas
timeline..right click on it, select "properties", then select "media Tab" at the top,look down at "alpha channel" and open the drop down menu, select "premultiplied". That should change the matte area to the gray checkerboard that becomes clear.