4k - like a candle in the wind...


Cliff Etzel wrote on 1/18/2016, 1:29 PM
I think DP Rodney Charters said it best:

"4K video is a solution looking for a problem"...

JJKizak wrote on 1/18/2016, 2:16 PM
You forgot Hulu and Roku.
monoparadox wrote on 1/18/2016, 2:18 PM
"Traditional tv delivery methods will forever be handicapped due to them requiring specific hardware boxes to get the job done"

Kind of like when many of us moved to Vegas from proprietary hardware driven editing solutions. I've never looked back.

As an aside, heard an interesting discussion on massive changes coming in the automobile business. The younger generation views cars, their cost and transportation totally different than my generation when you were defined by what you drove.

-- tom
Chienworks wrote on 1/18/2016, 3:28 PM
Call me odd, but i've ever really cared about what i drive. My priorities when i purchase an auto are, highest first: stick shift, good mileage, four doors, not yellow. Other than that i really couldn't care. Maybe that's how i am with video too: not really picky as long as it gets the job done well.
GeeBax wrote on 1/18/2016, 3:36 PM
"And our government owned TV network, which doesn't have commercial ads, inserts their own ads on how wonderful they are."

Which they most definitely are not. 60 years in the job and they still screw it up minute by minute.

John_Cline wrote on 1/18/2016, 3:48 PM
It seems that DP Rodney Charters problem with 4k is pretty much strictly economic, and I find that his support of uprezzing 2k video to 4k is disturbing to say the least. Also, nowhere in the video did I hear him say that 4k is a solution looking for a problem, perhaps I need to watch it again. I am a fervent proponent of capturing at the highest resolution possible with the widest dynamic range and color space possible and then if you want to screw it up in post, have at it.
Glenn Thomas wrote on 1/19/2016, 4:36 AM
Embrace the 4K! That would be my recommendation. I don't own a flat panel tv, and haven't even watched tv since 2006. My PC monitor is a 24" Dell 1920x1200 unit from 2006 too. And 4K looks so much better on this monitor at 1080P than any native 1080P content. For me, that's where 4K excels. In providing the best looking 1080P.
Grazie wrote on 1/19/2016, 5:12 AM
And this is exactly what we should/could be enticed by, I know I am : JC "...with the widest dynamic range and color space possible ....." It's that dang wonderful latitude that is possible, gorgeous. Smoke, dust, subtle variations of all of it. All this CAN lead to inspiring, creative options for the sensitive and aware editor, resulting in engaging narrative for the audience.

Thanks JC for the prod to get responding here.

Chienworks wrote on 1/19/2016, 9:24 AM
Does 4K inherently have greater latitude and colorspace over 1080 as part of the spec? Or is it just that 10 years later cameras are being made better than they were before? I can't really see how a simple doubling of the resolution would change anything else. Perhaps a brand new 1080 camera model purchased now would have equal latitude to a contemporary 4K camera, but we don't notice because we bought all our 1080 cameras a decade ago.