7.0e crashing

ed-snape wrote on 6/22/2007, 7:17 AM
Yesterday updated to 7.0e. Since then have experienced crashes whenever I slide the scroll bar on the right side of the project media window.( or left click on increment buttons) The window contains nearly 1000 .m2t clips captured from HDV Z1U using 7.0 d. This problem has made Vegas unusable. How can I fix 7.0e or revert to 7.0d?


blink3times wrote on 6/22/2007, 7:31 AM
"How can I fix 7.0e or revert to 7.0d"


That's exactly what I did.

I don't know about others but I found that what 7e does best is crash. Went back to 7d.... haven't had a crash since
ed-snape wrote on 6/22/2007, 7:51 AM
Thankyou. Do you have any tips. Do I need to uninstall 7.0e first?
blink3times wrote on 6/22/2007, 9:24 AM
Not sure, but I did a complete uninstall first anyway.
dreamlx wrote on 6/23/2007, 6:38 AM
Today I had approximately 20 crashes while editing a project in 7.0e. Therefore I also wanted to downgrade to 7.0d, but the 7.0d installer says that a newer version is installed. I have the fear that uninstalling 7.0e will also erase my settings. Is there any downgrade path without losing settings ?

I also hope that an update will soon be released. I have always been surprised by the stability of Vegas but 7.0e is really very unstable for me.
blink3times wrote on 6/23/2007, 7:16 AM
Yeah.. this 7e crash thing is pretty serious... I haven't seen this many reports of crashing in all the time that Vegas 7 has been out. I hope Madison is aware and looking into this!?

USUALLY but not always... when you uninstall/reinstall, you don't lose your personal settings. This is because your settings are created in a folder within you documents and settings folder, which does not get removed on uninstall.... USUALLY BUT NOT ALWAYS
dreamlx wrote on 6/23/2007, 3:09 PM
My aplogies to Vegas, but my crashes seem Cineform related. On the machine, I had installed ConnectHD (cfhd.dll version I downgraded to Vegas 7.0d and still had the same problems but this time the error message was referring to cfhd.dll. For testing purposes, I replaced my cfhd.dll file with the version distributed with Vegas (cfhd.dll version and all problems disappeared. The only inconveniant is that I need to replace the cfhd.dll file when I need to write cineform files from other applications. I have 3 Cineform licenses so I tested this on 3 machines and was absolutely reproducable. The versions details were given for the case someone of cineform is reading this. It seems to only occur on project with > 200 Cineform files.
David Newman wrote on 6/24/2007, 8:02 AM

Version 2.8.8 of the cfhd.dll is not current for any of our products. If you have a Connect HD license at least update your install to Connect HD 3.4.2 (that is free from here - http://www.cineform.com/products/Downloads/Downloads.htm.) OR consider upgrading to NEO HDV.

David Newman
CTO, CineForm
teaktart wrote on 6/24/2007, 5:41 PM
Just my 2 cents here....

After insane problems with my Vegas and ConnectHD clips I upgraded to the new NEO HDV and so far its solved all my problems with getting clips onto the timeline and has stopped the constant crashing of Vegas when using the CFDIs.

In capturing/converting I've only had a couple of snags (errors) while capturing about 7 hrs worth of tapes, another huge improvement in performance.

Its a huge relief, and I am happy to say a pleasure to get back to editing without all the problems I had with the earlier Cineform/Vegas combo.

You may want to 'test ride" the NEO HDV and see if that will solve your current problems....

Good Luck!

dreamlx wrote on 6/24/2007, 9:04 PM
_dan_: actually I have one machine that needs encoding of cineform files and the others only need decoding. If have understood well, I could go with one license and install neo player on the other machines where I need decoing only, is this correct ? If so, I will give NEO a try.
David Newman wrote on 6/25/2007, 8:58 AM
Eileen, thank you for the positive report.

Dreamlx, That is exactly right.

David Newman
CTO, CineForm
Laurence wrote on 6/25/2007, 9:10 AM
>_dan_: actually I have one machine that needs encoding of cineform files and the others only need decoding. If have understood well, I could go with one license and install neo player on the other machines where I need decoing only, is this correct ? If so, I will give NEO a try.

This is exactly what I do, but I would still rather have the full version of NEO HDV installed on both machines if it was possible. Is there an upgrade path for a license for a second machine?
dreamlx wrote on 6/25/2007, 10:44 AM
I have tried NEO player. Using NEO player everything seems to work correctly without crashing. I will now buy an upgrade for the machine where I need write support. For the other ones, only reading is required the NEO player is enough for them.

David Newman wrote on 6/25/2007, 4:41 PM

We don't have second unit discounts, sorry. For high volumes we can offer discounts.