
drrohle wrote on 12/21/2011, 4:31 PM
You might try a "Gaussian Blur" filter, play with the Vert. & Horiz. settings to see what works the best.
Editguy43 wrote on 12/21/2011, 4:32 PM
Thank you I will try that
RalphM wrote on 12/21/2011, 6:54 PM
Paul B.

Is the pattern on all the film or is it specific to certain sections? I've transferred many miles of 8mm and I've never seen anything like you describe.

Have you contacted the transfer house about this?
johnmeyer wrote on 12/21/2011, 9:30 PM
Are the lines exactly vertical? If so, perhaps the film is Polavision, Polaroid's instant film. I am at this very moment transferring nine cassettes of Polavision and it has some very nasty lines that result from how the instant emulsion is formed:

A very light horizontal Gaussian blur (about 0.003) removes the artifact, although I am working on a possible better solution.

If you can post a few seconds of your capture, I'll have a look at it.