Adding text throughout video

avery wrote on 5/20/2003, 2:46 PM
I need a bit of help with adding text throughout a instructional video and a promo video. I would like for the text to either scroll on the bottom of the video or another good idea will do. The text in some places, each letter will move one by one to the center of the screen to spell out the word. and in some cases each word will appear in the center of the screen one at a time. I would like to learn to do this myself. I appreciate any help on this.


FadeToBlack wrote on 5/20/2003, 3:15 PM
BillyBoy wrote on 5/20/2003, 4:47 PM
Take a look at my mini-musical video where I was having a little fun with the 3D PluginPak when it first came out. See how many different ways I had the word LINDA come and go off the screen. You can make text grown, explode, dance, fade, break apart, spin, stretch, reveal a letter at a time, on and on. Easy, just play with the various paramaters that changes size, location, action.
avery wrote on 5/20/2003, 9:23 PM
I wasn’t able to find the veg file. Where exactly can I find it?
avery wrote on 5/21/2003, 8:37 AM
can you send the veg files also?