?? (Again) Why Vegas instead of Premiere??

bmcwatt wrote on 7/26/2000, 5:06 PM

I am still trying to figure out why Vegas costs as much as
Premiere even though it is not the industry standard. I
would assume it is because it is "better" in many ways.
Can someone from Sonic Foundry (& anybody else that wants
to) please tell me why I should pick your product over
Premiere. If there are tables, lists, documents that show
more features, faster processing, better syncronization,
etc. I would be very interested.

I have played a little with both Premiere & Vegas and they
seem like very good products. Premiere has some features I
want like it works with mpeg but on the other hand Vegas
seemed to have a better interface.


Thank you,


PipelineAudio wrote on 7/27/2000, 5:50 AM

Brent McWatters wrote:
>>I am still trying to figure out why Vegas costs as much as
>>Premiere even though it is not the industry standard. I
>>would assume it is because it is "better" in many ways.
>>Can someone from Sonic Foundry (& anybody else that wants
>>to) please tell me why I should pick your product over
>>Premiere. If there are tables, lists, documents that show
>>more features, faster processing, better syncronization,
>>etc. I would be very interested.

If your talking video, premiere may be the desktop standard, but the
pro standard for non linear video editing would have to be the Avid
Media system, which surprise, is made by the same guys who make pro

vegas is just different thasn premiere, and for Audio guys, there is
NO comparison...Vegas wins hands down...and for getting something
done NOW right NOW, vegas kills premiere...then again, I have one
friend who makes BMX freestyle videos, and uses premiere (on a mac),
and he does well, but his audio always SUCKS...Another friend is
making a similar video, in an unused room at my studio, we switched
from ulead media studio pro, to vegas video, as soon as VV came out...
I did an old promo for the video in Vegas 1.0, and it was the first
video I ever saw where you could hear grinds going across the screen,
I used vegas' pan envolopes to match the action on the screen, you
know, security guards chasing bikers, bikers getting hit by cars,
grinding down handrails(all that good stuff) :)

Itll be out soon...Bearded Lady / Invisible Psychic Flying Monkey
Productions: The Carnie and Trailer Trash Show

All done in Vegas Video
Walterius wrote on 7/27/2000, 6:27 AM
I can only talk apout audio options. And they are much better in
Vegas than in Premiere.
I use Vegas Video in my AudioStudio for engeniering Audio and a do
everything with it(24tracks classical Orchesters, 30 Tracks Pop Music
Productions ....)
that would never be able with Premiere.

Brent McWatters wrote:
>>I am still trying to figure out why Vegas costs as much as
>>Premiere even though it is not the industry standard. I
>>would assume it is because it is "better" in many ways.
>>Can someone from Sonic Foundry (& anybody else that wants
>>to) please tell me why I should pick your product over
>>Premiere. If there are tables, lists, documents that show
>>more features, faster processing, better syncronization,
>>etc. I would be very interested.
>>I have played a little with both Premiere & Vegas and they
>>seem like very good products. Premiere has some features I
>>want like it works with mpeg but on the other hand Vegas
>>seemed to have a better interface.
>>Thank you,
melyash wrote on 7/27/2000, 10:30 AM
Sounds good,Aaron! As a new user, how do I do a simple disolve
between two video tracks! I am going nuts trying!


Aaron Carey wrote:
>>Brent McWatters wrote:
>>>>I am still trying to figure out why Vegas costs as much as
>>>>Premiere even though it is not the industry standard. I
>>>>would assume it is because it is "better" in many ways.
>>>>Can someone from Sonic Foundry (& anybody else that wants
>>>>to) please tell me why I should pick your product over
>>>>Premiere. If there are tables, lists, documents that show
>>>>more features, faster processing, better syncronization,
>>>>etc. I would be very interested.
>>If your talking video, premiere may be the desktop standard, but
>>pro standard for non linear video editing would have to be the Avid
>>Media system, which surprise, is made by the same guys who make pro
>>vegas is just different thasn premiere, and for Audio guys, there
>>NO comparison...Vegas wins hands down...and for getting something
>>done NOW right NOW, vegas kills premiere...then again, I have one
>>friend who makes BMX freestyle videos, and uses premiere (on a
>>and he does well, but his audio always SUCKS...Another friend is
>>making a similar video, in an unused room at my studio, we switched
>>from ulead media studio pro, to vegas video, as soon as VV came
>>I did an old promo for the video in Vegas 1.0, and it was the first
>>video I ever saw where you could hear grinds going across the
>>I used vegas' pan envolopes to match the action on the screen, you
>>know, security guards chasing bikers, bikers getting hit by cars,
>>grinding down handrails(all that good stuff) :)
>>Itll be out soon...Bearded Lady / Invisible Psychic Flying Monkey
>>Productions: The Carnie and Trailer Trash Show
>>All done in Vegas Video
PipelineAudio wrote on 7/28/2000, 12:45 AM

Matthew Elyash wrote:
>>Sounds good,Aaron! As a new user, how do I do a simple disolve
>>between two video tracks! I am going nuts trying!

I have to ask "Old School" who is doing most of the actual video
stuff on this...you are talking about a very quick fade from one clip
to the next with out that ugly ass black burst?