Alternatives to Vegas?


Ben  wrote on 4/24/2005, 3:01 PM
>> Tracktion's racks are Plug-in chains but more flexible. <<<

Ok, well ignoring Tracktion as I don't consider that a serious contender for what I require on either the midi or audio side. Oh, and hate the UI.

Sonar experts - it doesn't have the equivalent of Vegas'/Sony's plug-in chains, right? Does Nuendo? I know Pro Tools doesn't either. Seems a serious oversight of behalf of all these products if none have this ostensibly simple, but extremely versatile and useful, feature. It's another thing that, like it or not, keeps us drawn to Vegas.
drbam wrote on 4/24/2005, 3:10 PM
"Sonar experts - it doesn't have the equivalent of Vegas'/Sony's plug-in chains, right? Does Nuendo? I know Pro Tools doesn't either. Seems a serious oversight of behalf of all these products if none have this ostensibly simple, but extremely versatile and useful, feature. It's another thing that, like it or not, keeps us drawn to Vegas."

Agreed. This is definitely an important consideration. I'm not as dependent on the plugin chains as Vegas's editing power but your point is well taken.


adowrx wrote on 4/24/2005, 4:38 PM
Plug in chains, well......does Vegas now have the ability to take a snapshot of each mixer channel, name it and recall it???
Kyoto wrote on 4/24/2005, 4:49 PM
Atlantic City! Good casinos, nice boardwalk - right on the ocean.
Ben  wrote on 4/24/2005, 5:01 PM
>> Plug in chains, well......does Vegas now have the ability to take a snapshot of each mixer channel, name it and recall it??? <<

Spill the beans then! Which app does, and does that snapshot include plugs and their settings? Oh, and is its editing as incredible as Vegas'? :P

adowrx wrote on 4/24/2005, 5:17 PM
Sony and Vegas have screwed the audio community around long enough. While Vegas is good for many tasks, it is not and will not be a comprehensive tool for audio professionals.
fultro wrote on 4/24/2005, 6:14 PM
Whether or not you are right - you did not answer the question in the previous post..

Furthermore, what exactlt would a comprehensive tool for audio pros be?

I am not trying to defend Sony - I just am in a quandry myself about which app would most suit my needs for primarily audio work - Vegas can be terribly deficient in this regard in some ways - ( it would be great to combine Vegas , Acid , and Sound Forge features in one app so I don'r have to keep flipping between them so often to make things work - and of course Midi is only marginally implemented compared to Cubase - but better than ProTools - last time I looked)
But for me the bottom line is ease of use, workflow and spontanaity (instant creativity)... And that is why I stay here for now - the app sounds pretty damn good for audio and I have had way more fun with more interesting results using it than the others I mentioned - I use the others to supplement Vegas and Acid when i need their functionality
adowrx wrote on 4/24/2005, 6:34 PM
I'm using Vegas to supplement Cubase when all I need is a quick edit or record over. I like Vegas and wish it would realize it's potential.

And I said Comprehensive. AFIK I can take a snapshot of my Cubase mixer channels w/inserts and recall them. Very handy. And I have Vegas to master in. Which it exceeds Cubases's scope and ability.

(edit) I agree that the audio functions should be combined................redundant............
fultro wrote on 4/24/2005, 6:47 PM
so the quest remains - the ultimate solution for audio heads with an interest in video (or not)
I havn't used Nuendo - have you? - do you like it ? and does it function as well as Cubase for Midi - I suppose it doesn't but my Midi needs are pretty simple - though a little more involved than what Acid has to offer ...
drbam wrote on 4/24/2005, 6:53 PM
"I havn't used Nuendo - have you? - do you like it ? and does it function as well as Cubase for Midi - I suppose it doesn't but my Midi needs are pretty simple - though a little more involved than what Acid has to offer ..."

My understanding of Nuendo is that its a "high end" version of Cubase. Many more features and much more $.


fultro wrote on 4/24/2005, 7:01 PM
but my understanding is that it doesn't have the midi capabilities of Cubase which is fine as long as they are better than Acid
Jeezzz z - - is there no app out there that will do decent Midi , ProTools style mixing , Acid - like beatmapping and Vegas - like editing ease - with, most importantly , good sound
adowrx wrote on 4/24/2005, 7:09 PM
Cubase does what you ask for. Just be careful w/system setup, components, and expectations. It sounds good, requires some tlc, but is a powerful DAW.
fultro wrote on 4/24/2005, 7:26 PM
agreed - but after using Cubase off and on for at least 15 years now (sporadically) - it is still like prodding a donkey compared to dealing with all the Sonic Foundry stuff
jaegersing wrote on 4/25/2005, 12:33 AM
I've just spent a chunk of the weekend playing with the demo version of Traktion 2. The support for software instruments is very solid, and it seemed to operate with fairly low overheads, even with around 10 VST instruments playing simultaneously.

The midi features are quite basic, but adding continuous controller data to midi events is very simple to do, so that's not too bad. I haven't tried any of the audio features yet, but am hopeful about it since I was able to set my soundcard latency to much lower than I ever could under Logic. Overall, the program appears to be very "light" in terms of responsiveness and CPU loading.

In order to evaluate Traktion more, I would need to hook in my external midi gear and I don't have time to do that just yet. Anyway the program isn't even released yet so I will hold off a full setup until I have tried Sonar and maybe Cubase.

Hope to hear more from other users too.

Rednroll wrote on 4/25/2005, 12:56 AM
If you're into VSTi's, then definately try out Cakewalks Project 5, I think you'll be pleasantly surprised.
somedolphin wrote on 4/25/2005, 1:45 AM
Tracktion is great for audio editing, my second choice after Vegas. I think you guys will be surprised to find how much like Vegas the clip editing is in Tracktion.
klyon wrote on 4/25/2005, 9:41 AM
I agree. There are some glaring errors in the implementation, but for getting around the project and moving the cursor while editing, Tracktion is great. And it doesn't require two tracks for a VSTi like Sonar (a real pain in the ass when it's necessary to render something); in fact it's the best rewire host and VSTi host I've seen.
On the other hand, it's odd and inconvenient for mixing and the racks, while great conceptually, add latency and -- as such -- are useless, as far as I'm concerned. At least for mixing.
It isn't perfect, but it does what is missing in Vegas for less (much less) than the price of the "two-audio-feature" upgrade. Too bad they can't speak together...
(But then, if Vegas would speak to *anything* I wouldn't even think of another host.)