Was I smoking something and imagining that one of the SCS corp guys said that 8.0c and V64 would be out in June? Isn't it almost September now and I am still wading in the moleasses that is V8b? Lord, put me out of my misery......
The last I heard (unofficially of course) was that it had been delayed until "late summer".
Seeing as how summer doesn't end until Sept. 22, that means that we still have another month before we can start whining :-)
I was scanning one of the other Forums http://www.dvinfo.net/conf/what-happens-vegas/128633-vegas-64-bit.html and a gentlemen there was talking to a sony CSR on friday and asked about Vegas 64Bit, the reply was it was due to be released any day now, if you believe the CSR... most of the time they are dead wrong...
I'm not sure that there has been anything about this in print recently, but if you go to this page you can hear an interview with Michael Bryant (Director of Product Marketing) where he states that Vegas 8.1, the 64-bit version, will be released in September. The relevant section is at about 9:30 into the podcast.
Presumably it will include the fixes that are expected for V.8.0c. (I suspect V.8.0c may have been renamed V.8.1.)
MarkWWW, thanks for that link. This is the first time, I am hearing 'real' information from SCS themselves uttering VP 8.1 64 bit due out September. That will be one year after 8.0 was released.
They said at NAB in April that it would be coming out in September some time, DVDA 5 was coming out in June ONLY DVDA5 8.0c ( the 32 bit version, and 8.1 the 64bit version is coming out in september ), at least that's what I heard from the people at Sony at NAB.
If software would only be released when it's ready, then there would be no software releases at all!!!
That is a cold and horrible fact. Companies releasing software (versions) are fully aware that there ARE bugs and shortcomings, but due to resource limitations and commercial reasons - they just have to release the buggy versions, and live with it.
However, I fully agree that a postponed release is better than one that immediately needs another bug fix.
But beware, 8.0c will probably not be the fix for ALL known and recognized problems, but hopefully at least take care of the most serious ones, not causing too many new ones ;)
Next question is - what is serious and what is not? One thing that is serious for one person might not be for someone else;
For example, being a scandinavian and using letters such as ä, ö, å in my file names, causes serious problems with VP8.0b. This has been recognized by SCS and a fix has been promised. However, I have serious doubts about that they will fix this bug in this release, either. Might not be an issue for you pure ASCII users, but I have to check and edit all file names before importing them into my projects. This is a thing you can "live" with, but is a nuisance. And I don't know of any other software that would have such a problem...After all, windows is a multilingual OS and you should be OK to use other than ASCII characters in your file names...
For the more serious problems in 8.0b, I hope that september will be the month we finally see some light...