Another 3d wedding veg file

Rory Cooper wrote on 1/3/2011, 2:29 AM
All the frames and masks are in the zip file.
Open the Composite veg file inside is the image veg nested and composited as a dodge, select color for doge, for the light fx
Open and to replace the images or frames with your own images right click and drag onto time line and select replace or add as take. Edit text
Save and close veg this will be auto updated in composite veg


freeLANCEr wrote on 1/3/2011, 3:17 AM
Hi Rory

Complements of the season.

How do I get this and the Reflection veg file. Both are nicely done and so appropriate.

lance at freelancersa dot co dot za

No spaces


OGUL wrote on 1/3/2011, 8:39 AM
The ways of learning Vegas especially for beginners!
1-Reading books, for example the books of Douglas Spotted Eagle.
But sometimes steps to follow goes up to 18, 20 so if you miss one step
you reach nowhere!
2-Tutorials on Vimeo and Youtube. But again the possibility of missing one
step is very high!
3-and finally VEG files! It's like a ready meal!
You don't need to be a good cooker!

The best way of learning Vegas is veg files for me!

There is a room in the market for DVD's consisting of VEG files!
I hope Rory Cooper or someone else will do it some day!

Thank you for sharing with us!
freeLANCEr wrote on 1/3/2011, 2:39 PM
.veg files are templates of ones creativeness. And 99% of people will excercise their right to abstain from relaxing their copy rights which is understandable. Then you have selfless Rory Cooper who always seem to move in the opposite direction against the flow. And he stands out like a beacon. VIVA Rory!
TheHappyFriar wrote on 1/3/2011, 6:57 PM
Still room on my site if you want me to put that one up.

If you can get me youtube links for the youtube replacements for the vimeo vids you took down I can replace those too.

Rory Cooper wrote on 1/4/2011, 12:12 AM
Thanks Stephen

Jerry had a discussion going on last year dealing with 3d tracks and how by separating xyz motion will make it easier to do motion in Vegas
So I have done this here, and also named xyz to tilt, pan and zoom making it easier

If you are creating sustainable content then creating veg files in template form will make your life easier and quicker. Transferring elements between veg files as well. The trick is to create your elements/masks in tones round about 125 and use texture tracks with a gradient map on masks to reflect color between backgrounds and elements.
TheHappyFriar wrote on 1/4/2011, 6:58 PM
Site updated with new V10 page:
freeLANCEr wrote on 1/5/2011, 10:33 AM
Thanks so much Rory for sharing and Stephen for hosting. You guys are Great
biggles wrote on 1/5/2011, 4:20 PM
A big 'thank you' from me too!
Tom Pauncz wrote on 1/5/2011, 7:34 PM
I'll also add a big thank you. Have learned tons from your hard work Rory.

If I could ask, would it be possible to share the "Multiple masks Sony Vegas" veg file?

Looks really neat.

Rory Cooper wrote on 1/5/2011, 10:58 PM
It’s a pleasure, I have also learned tons from you guys as well.

I sent the multiple mask veg to Stephen

In the zip there are 2 veggies one with a standard mask for the glass, just move the text in = same effect but easier
The second veg move the text and mask to correspond, better because you can offset the timing. but a little more work = original
rsp wrote on 1/6/2011, 1:20 AM
Another thank you for sharing these veggies
UlfLaursen wrote on 1/6/2011, 1:30 AM
Thanks Rory and Stephen :)
