
rpmbassman wrote on 3/29/2003, 10:19 AM
I am surprised that nobody has an answer to this one. Doesn't anyone create and save their own presets? Aren't you worried about losing them if your system crashes? Do you backup the whole shebang, or just the data files?

I hate backing up my whole system (too many discs). I only backup data. So, I'd like to be able to backup/restore the presets seperately without having to backup the whole program...which I'm not even certain would install after a crash properly anyway. You'd probably have to re-install the software from scratch and your presets would be lost. Yikes!
SonyJEV wrote on 4/2/2003, 11:10 AM
You should try the Sonic Foundry Preset Manager.

You can get it here


ps. you might get better/faster answers to these kinds of questions in the DirectX Plug-Ins or Sound Forge forums.

rpmbassman wrote on 4/2/2003, 2:48 PM