Are scripts running in VegasPro13


PeterWright wrote on 4/21/2014, 2:54 AM
I strongly get the message that you're missing this script in V13 Leslie, and hope it gets sorted quickly.

I must admit that I'm curious about what kind of editing constantly requires this, as I practically never need to know how long an event is mathematically, and on the odd occasion I might want to know, I've always been able to double click to create a loop and see the duration at bottom right.

If it's not too complicated, I'd be interested to know your workflow.

ushere wrote on 4/21/2014, 5:49 AM
@ peter - i regularly have to drop in timed shots / stills for a number of clients, eg, they want a shot on for a precise amount of time, extremely easy to drop event on tl and trim to desired length. also, if i have three stills for instance, and a 9 sec region it's simple drag to 3 sec the first two and simply fill the third. of course that's a very simple example. i also often have talking heads and limitations regarding how long they're on screen for, so event length is a very quick way of checking and, well, i find myself using it regularly in a multitude of circumstances....

i fully appreciate the loop and bottom right window, but i really don't want the loop, and the bottom right text on my high res monitor looks like figures looked at through reversed binoculars ;-)
Gary James wrote on 4/21/2014, 8:07 AM
Taking what I've read in this forum topic, I've made an adjustment to the Timeline Tools installer to set permission levels on the installed components. I've set the required permissions to just below administrator, as John suggested. This is a pre-release of TLT v1.0.57. This version has several changes and features added to the Markers, Regions & FX tab settings; most notable is the ability to move one or more Markers/Regions by a relative time value with a simple mouse click. The on-line docs have not yet been updated, but there is tool-tip help for all the new settings & features. This is the version that will be released when the documents have been fully updated.

If you'd like to install this release to see if it has any effect on the SVP-13 problem with extensions, I'd be interested in hearing your results. Oh, and by the way. I misspoke when I said that TLT is installed in the Vegas Script Menu folder. It's installed in the Vegas Applications Extensions folder; the recommended place for installing Extensions, not Scripts.

Timeline Tools v1.0.57 pre-release
BobMoyer wrote on 4/21/2014, 8:50 AM
I just downloaded and installed the new TLT. I did not reboot the system but I had not launched Vegas 13 yet today. Upon launching '13' I get the very same error message that I had posted previously.
Gary James wrote on 4/21/2014, 10:14 AM
Ok, thanks. That eliminates that issue as a possibility. When you consider that previous scripts and extensions have worked flawlessly for years, and that Timeline Tools has worked in every release of SVP since 8.0, on both 32 and 64 bit versions of Vegas, I'm ready to call this a bug in Vegas Pro 13.

There is something environmentally impacting SVP-13, where it doesn't work with existing scripts and extensions on many PC's, but does work in at least one PC that's had no changes other than the installation of SVP-13. In this one case, SVP-13 is the only variable.
Gary James wrote on 4/21/2014, 10:32 AM
In general, I agree with what you're saying. But if Grazie himself is running as an Administrator, unless he revoked Admin rights to the Vegas Application Extensions folder, that wouldn't come into play. And then there's Bob who has the same issue. And Bob hasn't said anything about tweaking access rights on anything.

This problem is so strange in it's nature, that I can't help but point to Vegas itself. The errors that are reported when TLT starts up is what's convincing me of that. TLT uses RicherTextBox, a .Net custom control that I wrote. TLT and RTB are both installed in the same folder. And when Vegas 8 to 12, 32 & 64 bit versions run everything is fine, but when Vegas 13 runs, suddenly the load chain for TLT & RTB doesn't work .... that's got to be an issue in how Vegas 13 is loading extensions. There is some subtle difference between SVP 13 and every earlier version that's at play here during loading of compiled scripts and extensions. Something that affects one extension and not another.
rmack350 wrote on 4/21/2014, 11:49 AM
1a) Timeline Tools 1.0.49 starts successfully and appears to function
1b) Vegasaur 1.9.4 starts successfully and appears to function

2) Win 7 Pro, SP1

3) UAC is enabled

4) no unsuccessful scripts are installed. Yet. Give me time...

5) The above extensions were installed in their default folders.

Additional notes: This is my work computer. Both extensions were installed before VP13. I don't really use Timeline Tools on a regular basis so it hasn't been updated since its initial installation.


Edit: Had to go hunt down Giles' Show Event Length extension at I installed it according to its instructions and then tried copying it into locations named in this thread. No Joy. Then again, the notes say it was written for VP8 in 2008. I think we can assume that it needs an update.
Grazie wrote on 4/21/2014, 12:10 PM
Been out all day . . ..

Hold on tight!


videoITguy wrote on 4/21/2014, 12:12 PM
Well, thanks to rmack350 - if true that an early version of Timeline Tools actually does function well in the VegasPro13 environs - then the mystery continues on several fronts.

1) For a given installation such as Grazie's and BobMoyer - can they run an earlier version of Timeline Tools - but not version 56 or 57?
Does this point to functionality that was only in the latter versions?

2) Does everyone have trouble installing Version 56 Timeline Tools in VegasPro13 ? and the answer would seem to be "NO" , but have we found out that for certain? NormanPCN ?
BobMoyer wrote on 4/21/2014, 12:23 PM
@Gary & VideoITguy,
I have not tweaked anything on my system...I am not a tweaker, just an end-user. There is only one Admin account on my system as I am the only user. I have VegasPro 9, 10 and now 13 on this system and TLT works fine in 9 & 10. As the new releases of TLT have come out, I have deleted the older file downloads so I cannot try to install an older version to try.
Grazie wrote on 4/21/2014, 12:23 PM
Sorry, same result.

TLTs 57 working in VP12 but not in VP13. Same error messages.



rmack350 wrote on 4/21/2014, 12:26 PM
Okay, I just installed the .56 version of Timeline Tools. It also fails to fail for me (It works).

I guess I'm just lucky that way.

Is there something specific that makes it fail? At this point there are a lot of threads to read to get that info.

Edit: Realized there was a .57 prerelease. Downloaded it. Installed it. Tried it by adding markers to the heads of all events, then removed them. Failed to fail again.

Gary James wrote on 4/21/2014, 12:30 PM
You make some good observations Bob. And if it was TLT alone was having problems I'd say the fault was mine. But multiple Extensions and Scripts from multiple vendors, all sharing the same problem, sometimes, and only with SVP-13 ... that's just too coincidental to be anything but v13.
NormanPCN wrote on 4/21/2014, 12:32 PM
Does everyone have trouble installing Version 56 Timeline Tools in VegasPro13 ? and the answer would seem to be "NO" , but have we found out that for certain? NormanPCN ?

I just downloaded and installed Timeline tools 1.0.56.
Vegas 13 starts.
When I go to View->Extensions and select Timeline tools, the TLT windows opens. I have not tested any functions of TLT.
Grazie wrote on 4/21/2014, 12:39 PM
Does the new Audio Tools, that's been added lately, interfere with VP13? THat's the only thing I can think of.


rmack350 wrote on 4/21/2014, 12:40 PM
I suspect that this has more to do with one's .Net 4.0 installation. I think mine was in place and patched (if patches have been provided) well before installing VP13.

The problem with Giles' script seems like it might boil down to needing to update the code or recompile the dll. I'm finding that it just simply doesn't appear in any of the Extensions menus. No way to test it.

I have other computers at home but I tend to treat them the same way so they all suffer the same problems because they have the same "Nut loose behind the wheel". So far none have had troubles with VP13.

NormanPCN wrote on 4/21/2014, 12:53 PM
I will say that my .NET 4 was installed prior to Vegas 13 as well.
videoITguy wrote on 4/21/2014, 2:33 PM
Subject: RE: VP13 Edit Extensions NO : View Extensions YES ?
Reply by: i am erikd comment Date: 4/21/2014 11:30:52 AM

"I just want to say the view event length extension works as expected in V13 for me."

Windows OS Version?
Net 4 installed ?
File Directory where event length is residing?
Concurrent installs of both VegasPro12 and VegasPro13 in same drive partition?
Grazie wrote on 4/21/2014, 2:42 PM
rmack: I'm finding that it (Event Length) just simply doesn't appear in any of the Extensions menus. I have it under Tools > Extensions, and it won't work.


Gary James wrote on 4/21/2014, 2:48 PM
While doing some web surfing on this subject I ran across this little tidbit. This is certainly worth looking at as it takes very little effort to try out.

1. Uninstall your problematic extension, script.
2. Find your download Setup program in Windows Explorer.
3. Read this short web article.
4. make the adjustment, and then run the installer.
videoITguy wrote on 4/21/2014, 3:35 PM
Gary, the article is interesting - have never explored this before but it seems somewhat related to how you open and distribute files compressed together in a .zip container. Many people open the .zip files with something other than the default Windows OS (since XP?) utility.
Especially if they live in a country like UK which I believe is very favorable toward .rar instead of .zip. And what I hear is that opening in other programs can cause different behaviors of what happens to the content. I do not have direct experience and the issue still seems very odd.

For those checking this entire thread _ I edited in a notice for another user of Timeline Tools in the above mentions of who has tried it and now repeated here:
Begin: Reply by: wwaag Date: 4/19/2014 3:47:10 PM
"The Open in Graphics Editor script from Rosebud works perfectly"
Location of script files verified as :C:\Program Files\Sony\Vegas Pro 13.0\Script Menu

Reply by: BobMoyer Date: 4/20/2014 10:39:28 AM
My OS is Windows 7/64 bit Home Premium Service Pack 1 (with ALL updates from MS)
Reply by: wwaag Date: 4/20/2014 11:33:40 AM
Same as BobMoyer. Win 7/64 Home Premium with SP1.

Subject: RE: NO SHOW EVENT LENGHT!!!! Reply by: malowz
Date: 4/20/2014 3:49:58 PM
my .NET folders show Net4 installed, yet no extensions show up

Member JV1 this FROM Subject: RE: Render speed seems a little slower in Ver13 vs V11 --- Reply by: JV1 on the Date of: 4/21/2014 12:58:19 PM
" I tried a much shorter clip (7 seconds) and added various FX to it ...looks like the "demo logo" could be the culprit slowing down the VegasPro13. Thanx VidMus for the idea.

I had called SONY a few times and suggested they add to V13 a simple "note-pad" to put Word docs and the like in (I do a lot of scripted narrations) I did install TimeLine Tools in VegasPro12 (?) a few months ago and that has a really nice notepad ."
and further Reply by: JV1 of Date: 4/21/2014 3:18:44 PM

Actually, I just tried opening Timeline Tools in the demo of V13 and it gives me an error even though the icon appears (View/Extensions/Timeline Tools). It still opens in V11 (I don't have V12). It's hard to believe they disabled this but maybe it's only disabled in the demo? Seems like a big step backwards.

FYI - The version is 1.0.53 - 64 bit mode, 2011 - 2013.

Update - I was just on the Timeline Tools website and it says V13 is not playing nice with TT but maybe there will be an update soon. I think I'll hold off on upgrading until TT works.

the above Message last edited on 4/21/2014 1:51:47 PM, by videoITguy.
NormanPCN wrote on 4/21/2014, 5:02 PM
Show Event Length now works for me.

After unzipping the file and copying the DLL to My Documents\Vegas Application Extensions, I right clicked the DLL file and clicked the "unblock" button.
NormanPCN wrote on 4/21/2014, 5:43 PM
It seems that .NET 4 make be looking at, and honoring, the Blocked file attribute that internet downloaded files typically receive. Installers are not affected by this but others, like ZIP are. The Windows 7 built-in UNZIP feature preserves the Blocked attribute of the ZIP file to those files extracted from the ZIP.
BobMoyer wrote on 4/21/2014, 5:49 PM
FWIW: I right clicked on the newest TLT download and in the 'properties', I selected "Unblock". I installed over top of the existing installation but it did not make any difference as it still will not run.
