Audio glitches after render

SimInfinite wrote on 5/16/2016, 4:11 PM
My audio is great when editing, no problems at all. Except for when I render the video the audio gets all stuttery and glitchy. I've tried two different audio rendering types

1st Try :
Include video
Sample Rate (Hz) 48,000
Bit Rate (bps) 384,000

2nd Try :
Include Video
Sample Rate (Hz) 48,000
Bit Rate 192,000

I've looked up the best settings for rendering and that's whats recommended.

If the video rendering effects it at all then here are the settings for that as well

1st Try :
Include Video
HD 1080 (1920x1080)
Profile - Main
Frame Rate - 29.970 (NTSC) allow source to adjust frame
Field order - none
Pixel aspect ration - 1.0000
Variable bit rate
Maximum (bps) 16,000,000
Average (bps) 8,000,000
Render using CUDA if available
Enable progressive download

2nd Try :
Include Video
HD 1080 (1920x1080)
Profile - Main
Frame Rate - 29.970 (NTSC) allow source to adjust frame
Field order - none
Pixel aspect ration - 1.0000
Variable bit rate
Maximum (bps) 24,000,000
Average (bps) 12,000,000
Render using CUDA if available
Enable progressive download

I would appreciate it if anyone could give me different settings or tell me anything I'm doing wrong. Please help :(


rraud wrote on 5/17/2016, 11:15 AM
What are you rendering for? (DVD, BluRay, YT, Vimeo, other)
The video is likely causing the audio to glitch in the playback device.
SimInfinite wrote on 5/21/2016, 10:02 AM
I'm rendering it for my computer as an mp4 file
rraud wrote on 5/22/2016, 11:38 AM
Have you tried rendering audio w/o the video? If that's okay, you can mux in the audio which doesn't re-render or compromise the video. I use MeGUI, but there's other free & not-free apps available that do the same thing (among other tasks).
FWIW, I often render the audio as a PCM (.wav) separately, and do some minor mastering and tweaks in SF, then encode that to .m4a (MP4 AAC audio) with the Nero audio encoder.. and mux that in. There are other options as well.