I've just downloaded a Youtube video via Firefox Download and imported this into a project. When I open this downloaded event in the Trimmer the audio can be heard as you would expect but when I transfer this to the Timeline there is nothing to be heard even though the wave pattern appears on the audio track and even though other audio events on this same track can be heard OK.. I have been able to work around this by placing the problem audio on a new track when it can then be heard but I'm still curious to know why this should happen (it's almost as though that particular section of the audio track in the Timeline has been muted, but why and how?).
Incidentally, this type of download is something I've done many times but without any problem and I can confirm that the various settings for the download process have not been changed. I just don't understand why it can be heard when played from the Trimmer but not when played from the normal audio track in the Timeline.
Incidentally, this type of download is something I've done many times but without any problem and I can confirm that the various settings for the download process have not been changed. I just don't understand why it can be heard when played from the Trimmer but not when played from the normal audio track in the Timeline.