Audio "pop" in Vegas Pro 15 that isn't in source file?

markhamil94 wrote on 2/22/2021, 8:34 PM

I'm having an issue with a weird "pop" when editing my videos.

I record my gameplay with nvidia shadowplay and use a Blue Yeti mic. And I edit everything in Vegas pro 15. Now, on some of my video files, when I am editing them in vegas, there is an occasional "pop" in the voice audio track. Usually within the first 10 seconds of starting to record. Not constant, just every couple of seconds a light pop. No static. Then it's fine the rest of the recording. BUT, when I opened the exact same file in MPC (media player classic), there is no audio pop, at all. That makes no sense to me at all. If I export the audio from inside Vegas to Audacity, the popping is there too.


Note, I always use shadowplay and record 3-4 videos a week and have for years. Not every video has popping. I might record 4-5 different segments for the same video. Some will have a pop here and there in the beginning. Others will not. It's always just within the first 15 seconds of the video in Vegas, and then it is gone. But looking at the videos that have a pop, none of them have the same pop when I load the video in MPC.


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