Audio & Video slowdown vectorskink wrote on 8/13/2008, 3:35 AM Hi guys I'm trying to slow down the audio and video over two seconds until it stops - like a record slowing down. Can this be done yet?? cheers! Tim Back to post
Comments Chienworks wrote on 8/13/2008, 4:46 AM Not in one easy step, no. Video: use a velocity envelope. Audio: Open copy in Sound Forge (if you have it). Use Effects / Pitch / Bend. Close file to reimport it as a new take in Vegas. Retry and tweak over and over again until you get them in sync. johnmeyer wrote on 8/13/2008, 10:37 AM Kelly is correct about the audio. No way to do it in Vegas. For the video slowdown, these old posts may be of some use: How do I freeze frame How to freeze a scene? Freeze Frame Stop action at a specific frame - simpler solution 1