Automation Help...Anyone?

merlyn60 wrote on 5/17/2004, 9:41 AM
How do I assign an effect parameter (the frequency cutoff in the resonance filter for example) to the automation control fader? There doesn't seem like there is a way to do this without using an assignable effects envelope to vary the level of a track sent to an assignable effects chain. I don't want do that though. All I want to do is use the automation fader to control the cutoff of the filter. It works fine by just plotting the points on a basic automation envelope for the filter, but I want to be able to control the parameters by the automation fader. Is this possible?


PipelineAudio wrote on 5/17/2004, 12:22 PM
Get to where you can turn the knob to do that parameter, then flip the faders with the knobs
merlyn60 wrote on 5/17/2004, 2:28 PM
I'm not sure if you understood my post. I'm not using an external control surface. I'm refering to the pan fader in the Vegas mixing section that also doubles as an assignable effects send. I'm asking if there is anway to use this fader (or any other fader) in Vegas to write the automation of an effects parameter in real time (in my specific case I want to use it to automate the cutoff frequency of the resonance filter in Vegas) in the same way that you can write the automation for volume changes or pans in real time? Is that a bit more clear? Thanks for the reply.
PipelineAudio wrote on 5/17/2004, 2:35 PM
I *THINK* you can, just choose " show automation controls and start wiggling...I think, but I could be way wrong

lets hope someone else can chime in here.
merlyn60 wrote on 5/17/2004, 2:46 PM
Started "wiggling" (lol) with the show automation controls already, but still haven't been able to set the automation fader to control an automatable effects parameter. I have been able to automate volume control and panning. I can also automate that fader for use as an FX send (automating how much of the track signal goes to an effect), but not an effect parameter. I can only automate an effect paramater by the standard "static" envelope automation method. Thanks again for the reply. If you or anyone else get around to getting this to work, I'd enjoy hearing how.
SonyJEV wrote on 5/17/2004, 2:55 PM
Actually "Show automation controls" doesn't matter for audio plug-ins.

This is only to distinguish between automated vs. static volume, pan, mute... (envelope driven vs. static trim).

For plug-in parameters, if you are writing automation (latch or touch) and have an envelope for the parameter, you can just tweak the plug-in fader on playback to record automation.

Note that not all automatable plug-ins inform Vegas that their parameters are changing and so won't write automation, but most do (all the automatable Sony plug-ins do).

I should point out that there was an issue with the Waves plug-ins where they wouldn't inform us of parameter changes that has been resolved for Vegas 5, so you should be able to record automation for the Waves plug-ins now.

merlyn60 wrote on 5/17/2004, 3:11 PM
Ahhhhh....I see. So you tweak the fader or knob on the plug in itself instead of having to assign it to one in Vegas. Just tried it and it works beautifully. Thanks for the help SonicJEV (you too Pipeline)!
merlyn60 wrote on 5/17/2004, 3:20 PM
My Waves plugins don't show up in Vegas as automatable. In Acid 4.0 they do, but not in Vegas 5. How do I fix that?
SonyJEV wrote on 5/17/2004, 4:26 PM

There is no way for us to determine whether a plug-in supports automation without actually creating an instance of the plug-in to check with. To attempt this on the "scanning for plug-ins" step would be very slow and crash prone.

So we check the plug-in when you add it to a track/bus. If it supports automation we add it to the "Automatable" folder. Of course we know what plug-ins we ship that support automation so we put them in all the right folders right away.

So if you continue to use your Waves, etc. plug-ins they should populate the folder as you go. I believe that everything Waves ships nowadays does support automation.

Incidentally the same thing should happen with the 5.1 FX folder, but there aren't any third-party plug-ins out there yet.


Ben  wrote on 5/17/2004, 4:32 PM
Hi Jay

Whilst you're mentioning plugins, I'd really appreciate it if you'd take a look at my recent post:

It concerns some problems I'm having with Waves, particulary the mouse pointer vanishing. Any light you could shed on this would be fantastic.

Many thanks