Background Region Render with multiple events, FX and Cropping

NCARalph wrote on 10/1/2018, 3:56 PM

I'm doing a project to create a video slideshow using PowerPoint, lots of short videos.

What I'd like is to do my Trims, FX, Crops, and multi event transitions, define a region of the edited events, and send that off for rendering while I work on the next one. I can do it with Vegas Batch Rendering Script for the region, but it's done in the foreground. I can use Vegasaur transcoder, but it loses the FX and crops. I can use Vegasaur Quick Render but it renders all the events, even if in the same region, separately.

Any thoughts?


Marco. wrote on 10/1/2018, 4:50 PM

ยปI can use Vegasaur transcoder, but it loses the FX and crops.ยซ

If it does, it might be a bug. The background render tool of Vegasaur's Transcoder should be pretty much exactly what you are looking for.

I just tested it and background rendering using the Vegasaur Transcoder works fine here, including FX, crops, etc.

NCARalph wrote on 10/1/2018, 6:43 PM

Hmm, that's odd. I'll give it another shot and get back. I very much hope you're correct.๐Ÿ˜€

NCARalph wrote on 10/2/2018, 3:16 PM

What I'm seeing is that Vegasaur will pick up changes to the FX only if I first save the project, otherwise it uses the previous FX settings. It must be using the file on disk to do the rendering.

I can live with it now that I know what's happening.