Backwards Compatible

MichaelS wrote on 8/8/2007, 1:19 PM
I've found an "off the shelf" HP 2 Quad Processor Q6600 computer that we're considering purchasing.

I have no Vista experience. What's the chances (problems) of loading XP on this machine if we find we really don't like (or can't use) Vista.

I know this is kinda loose questioning, but it looks like a good deal.



blink3times wrote on 8/8/2007, 2:22 PM
I have dual boot vista64/XPhome on a Q6600 and have no problems with either OS.

However you may be better off building your own. With all the experience that I have had with HP, I have found that they are not very upgradeable. To save money, they remove all the little extra jacks, plugs, interface ports...etc. In the end you are left with a severely restricted mobo, bios and other things.
rmack350 wrote on 8/8/2007, 11:23 PM
Really depends on the model. Budget systems may have no graphics card slot or may be a little short on USB ports, but generally the current consumer systems are pretty well equipped. I think if it came with a Q6600 then it's not a budget system.

Just about all HP consumer systems are micro-atx systems so you get 2-3 PCI slots, possible a PCIe x1 slot, and possibly a PCIe x16 slot. The won't be SLI or Crossfire on these but they cover the basics.

Believe me, I'm up to my ears in HP consumer PC specs. It's what pays the bills.

Drivers might be an issue if you install XP yourself, but most components are pretty generic in these systems.

Rob Mack