
Cheesehole wrote on 5/20/2004, 1:37 PM
I don't think so, but it's easy to place the cursor at the point where one fade begins, and then drag the other fade until it snaps to the cursor position.
TorS wrote on 5/20/2004, 1:48 PM
It has to be very much off before anyone can hear or see it is.
Cheesehole wrote on 5/20/2004, 1:53 PM
I find myself using pretty large offsets to get just the right feel for particular subject matter. I might start with the fades lined up but rarely leave them that way.
logiquem wrote on 5/20/2004, 5:00 PM
The question was not really one of accuracy but to make the operation faster (i have a lot of cut to manage and a straight fade would have been ok to start with.

This feature is probably about the only one i miss from Premiere btw...
Acts7 wrote on 5/20/2004, 10:10 PM
well you COULD do a copy then past event attributes I believe will work
but that will paste all event attributes
you could set a script to do this.

Are you looking to fade in AND fade out
or just looking to fade like 300 photos at the end of a movie
for example if you are doing a "photo mntage" and fading a lot of photos one into the other you could change the settings
- options - preferences - editing (tab)
make sure the check box for auto overlap is checked
then select the amount of time to over lap / fade
voila you're done
TorS wrote on 5/20/2004, 11:14 PM
Not sure if this would work for you, but there is a setting in Preferences that adjusts the automatic fade of audio events. The purpose is to avoid unwanted noise that results from cutting im midwaves etc. I guess you could set this amount high enough to provide a real fade (have not tested how far it will go). That would give you a fade in all audio cuts which you could approximate with your video fades afterwards.

If this is a major concern form you, you could create an empty event (Full transparency video and silence - synced and grouped) and use it to overlap the real events of your project. That would give you equal fades for video and audio.
johnmeyer wrote on 5/20/2004, 11:36 PM
I think this can be scripted.
jetdv wrote on 5/21/2004, 5:31 AM
I think this can be scripted.

And, in fact, it has. The Fade Wizard in Excalibur will add a specific dissolve/fade in or out or both to all selected events.