Batch render while retaining filenames?

Lyris wrote on 5/1/2012, 9:13 AM
I love the batch render tool in Vegas Pro. Trouble is, I need to find a way to automate the process of rendering many hundreds of files (to MP3 format) while retaining the name of the project.

For example, the name of the project might be "ConversationSample2 Block 9.veg" and I want to turn that into "ConversationSample2 Block 9.mp3".

Is there any way I can accomplish this?


Lyris wrote on 5/1/2012, 11:10 AM
(Sobs with joy)
Thank you!
JohnnyRoy wrote on 5/1/2012, 12:23 PM
You can also do this (and a whole lot more) with Vegas Pro Production Assistant and VASST Ultimate S Pro.


John Rofrano
robwood wrote on 5/1/2012, 1:50 PM
there's a script out there somewhere for batch rendering called BatchRenderGUI(JHM-V7)...the script will use text info added to Regions as the filename when batch-rendering all regions on a timeline... i've used it with Vegas 7,8,9,10; don't know if it works in Vegas11.

however, its limited compared to others: numbers are added to the front of every filename, so they have to be text-edited afterwards (i use renameit)... you can't pick/choose which regions get rendered (all only!), versioning is difficult, etc
Zulqar-Cheema wrote on 5/3/2012, 2:32 PM
I have that script if required