
jetdv wrote on 3/15/2005, 9:07 AM
Using the RenderArgs, you can specify that markers are to be included in the render:

class RenderArgs

Arguments for a render operation

Boolean IncludeMarkers Get or set whether to include the project markers and regions in the output file.

For example:

var args = new RenderArgs();
args.OutputFile = fileName;
args.RenderTemplate = rndrTemplate;
args.Start = start;
args.Length = length;
args.IncludeMarkers = true;

var status = Vegas.Render(args);

the_learninator wrote on 3/15/2005, 4:40 PM
ok, when it comes to coding im a retard. where do i put this code?
jetdv wrote on 3/15/2005, 6:39 PM
Hard to say without knowing what the rest of the code is. Just replace the render statement with a variation of the above.
rcampbel wrote on 3/16/2005, 12:29 PM
If you don't want to have to deal with coding, you might want to talk a look at the MultiRender tool. It will render with markers, and much, much more.
