
Geoff_Wood wrote on 11/23/2008, 10:39 PM
Is it DX or VST ? CDA does not support VSTs, but you can load them via a 'VST-plugin-wrapper'.

But it can be a nasty little effect anyway, and should only be used for the dullest most lifeless (old tape ?) media that desparately needs some sort of zing. Quickly tiresome on 'normal' music.

Ferenc wrote on 11/24/2008, 9:24 AM
Thanks for your reply,the d82 supports DX ,inside CDA I open the plug-ins window I click on audio folder then on FX folder and all I see is Sony's effects How do I locate third party effects to load them into the plug-in chain. I even placed my BBe D82 files in local disk >program files Folder > sony folder > shared plug-ins folder > audio folder it shows the BBe files are prg files.

P.S. Just found out from BBE tech support ver.2 of the D82 does not suppor DX. You had stated I could load this plug-in via a VST-plugin wrapper how do I go about dong that? Thanks much