It looks like it could be done in PTT. Keyframe your letters individually and have the enter from the top with a guassian blur and have some extra that enter and keep dropping while the ones you want to stay keyframe to come in focus (remove blur) and then once they are there, blur them horizontally and fade them out (or drop them out of the bottom of the screen).
Of course, you would make the ones in the foreground bigger and the ones behind it smaller and keyframe them to drop with differing start times.
Pay me enough and I could build them in Vegas for you.
On the other hand have a look at these:
Now those you cannot do in Vegas, everything you see is generated in AE with plugins. You could get close although you couldn't generate the water. Which is not to put Vegas down in any way, AE is a purpose built tool that's not too hot for mixing audio or editing.
This is by Far the Quickest & Easiest Titler Program out.
(Even Easier than BluffTitler... and it yields excellent results.)
Adding FX is as simple as selecting the FX and hitting apply. Then you can adjust the KeyFrames and Settings... if you'd like.
>> "idont use seriph and san seriph type at the same time on the same page thats a type rule" (what the fx)
>"That's absolute nonsense. You clearly know nothing about typography."
Agreed. This is not a rule I've ever seen strictly followed. Pickup just about any magazine and you can find sans serif and serif fonts ... on the same page. Mostly between the titles and main text.
1.The term font is often used as a synonym for typeface, which is not technically correct. For example, some may refer to Times Roman as a font, but it is actually a typeface that defines the shape of each character. Within the Times Roman typeface there are many fonts to choose from — different sizes and styles (e.g., italic, bold and so on).
Mixing serif and san serif from the same type face is ok that is different fonts from the same type face. There is a difference, but mixing san serif and serif crossing type faces is not cool it looks messy
Not my rule
Get pissed of with Morris F. Benton, O. Cooper, F. Goudy, G.Williams, Stanly Morrison, J. W.Pinney
If you don’t know who they are too Bad. But hey if you want to take direction from the cheap porn mags you flip through I really don’t care
> 'Mixing serif and san serif from the same type face is ok that is different fonts from the same type face. There is a difference, but mixing san serif and serif crossing type faces is not cool it looks messy'
This is just nonsense. Why post if you know nothing about the subject?
Before you do anything else you should read a beginners' guide like Daniel Will-Harris' Typefaces: that work together.
> 'if you want to take direction from the cheap porn mags you flip through...'
I should show nothing but contempt for you; in fact (and only because I'm an irrepressible typophile), I'm going to be generous.
If you really want to learn about type I suggest you begin by reading the following books:
The Complete Manual of Typography by James Felici (Adobe)
The Elements of Typographic Style by Robert Bringhurst (Hartley & Marks) (though I would dissent from some of Bringhurst's opinions)
Also, look at books and magazines around you and spend some time browsing in the graphic design section of a bookshop.
You might also have been able to learn from me of course...
I feel that:
Beauty is in the Eye of the Beholder.
The Ends justifies the Means.
Simply stated... know matter what typeface or font you use or mix... if the end product has the look you want - Then it's correct. Depending on the project, I can definitely see where mixing typefaces & fonts would be desired... I can also see instances where using the same or similar would be desired.
Naturally, someone else may look at it and feel that it should be different... but that's just the crap we take for being 'artists'.
I agree with you. Creative people understand rule as direction, measure, guide. Non creative people understand the word rule as do or don’t. this you can apply to music, art, life.
I think barleycorn saw a ransom note and thought cheeees this looks great I will use this feel on my next u-tube production. Get as many type faces together as I can
Well that what it is cheese. Maybe his local pizza guy does take aways and will take him away.
Just as a matter of interest [ not u barleycorn this is way over your head]
Ever wondered why an Oak tree or Willow tree is so pleasing to the eye; it’s because all the branches are different, angles, sizes, thicknesses, but yet all the leaves are the same exactly the same
Shape, size, as a rule that is. It is the balances of these two opposites together that is simply awesome and creative people try to capture that visual rule in their work.
Words are like the branches different lengths and spaces so you balance this out with one constant type.
Now I just know barleycorn is gonna go out and measure all the leaves on his tree and tell me I am talking crap
Lighten up corncob the fact that you and I have different opinions is what is great not our opinions
By the way Barleycorn seriously thanks for the book titles I will look them up. I hope the authors aren’t so rigid
I was under the impression that you were the one imposing the rules ('dont use seriph and san seriph type at the same time on the same page thats a type rule').
> 'I think barleycorn saw a ransom note and thought cheeees this looks great I will use this feel on my next u-tube production. Get as many type faces together as I can Well that what it is cheese. Maybe his local pizza guy does take aways and will take him away.'
You know nothing about me. Why say these sort of things? Had it occurred to you that I might know a great deal about typography? You might have learnt something from me; instead you have nothing but my contempt.
> 'the fact that you and I have different opinions is what is great not our opinions'
There's nothing great about this. You gave some 'rule', I indicated that it was nonsense, you restated your rule (and became nasty), I tried to remain temperate and offered you some guidance, you resorted to insults… What can I say?
If you still believe that using serif and sans serif typefaces together transgresses some 'type rule', try the following:
I hope you are talking aesthetically and not morally.
My wife just interviewed someone for a job who said one boasted that he "made the trains run on time." He was probably ignorant of the fact that he was quoting Mussolini.
this is great. You guys are so creative in your pissing match. I'm just a squirt in comparison.
But really, quick, someone start a similar thread on cinematography so we can get five of six of the top titles, then another one on, say, compositing or color correction or editing to get Vegas Pro 8 to work twice in a row without crashing...
Logically speaking, it's weak to arrive at an 'absolute' conclusion from one statement any given knucklehead has made.
Ok recant in dust and ashes I should have used the word principle not rule
I am a miserable cretin knucklehead
Barleycorn from my heart smoooooooch.
I am sure you are capable of really creative stuff . today I am wearing the creative directors shoes
So have one last piss on them barleycorn so I can return them . he always tells me “you don’t wanna be in my shoes”
And I reply only for a very short while sir.