Best option for digital movie sales/purchase

goodtimej wrote on 11/1/2010, 3:08 PM
I have a show that I have creating and I am wanting to put it online for purchase for both digital download and hopefully rental. I have my own wordpress website so some kind of store would work fine. A link to an external page would be Fine as well. I have been checking out Amazons service but was just wondering if any of you out there have experience with this and wouldn't mind lending your thoughts.


kkolbo wrote on 11/1/2010, 7:58 PM
In spite of it being an Apple service most folks that I know who are doing this are using iTunes.
Steve Mann wrote on 11/1/2010, 11:33 PM
I've never dealt with them myself, but I have a client working with
goodtimej wrote on 11/3/2010, 12:46 AM
Thank you both for your answers