I have spent countless hours researching and reading forums
like this one and have decided on the following workstation
for video post (broadcast quality, output to BETA, S-VHS)
using Vegas Audio based on users comments and hardware
specifications (and a low budget to boot):
Pentum III 733 MHZ 128mb SDRAM, 6.4gb system hard drive,
30gb 7200 drive for audio/video, Miro DC30+ capture card,
nVidia TNT video card and my existing GINA audio card (to be
My question is, will the 30gb drive be enough keeping in
mind i'm not doing video editing just capturing for audio
post and i can't afford to go the SCSI route, or is SCSI an
absolute recommedation for broadcast quality output?
Does anybody see any problems with my configuration or am i
selling myself short?
Thanks in advance,
I have spent countless hours researching and reading forums
like this one and have decided on the following workstation
for video post (broadcast quality, output to BETA, S-VHS)
using Vegas Audio based on users comments and hardware
specifications (and a low budget to boot):
Pentum III 733 MHZ 128mb SDRAM, 6.4gb system hard drive,
30gb 7200 drive for audio/video, Miro DC30+ capture card,
nVidia TNT video card and my existing GINA audio card (to be
My question is, will the 30gb drive be enough keeping in
mind i'm not doing video editing just capturing for audio
post and i can't afford to go the SCSI route, or is SCSI an
absolute recommedation for broadcast quality output?
Does anybody see any problems with my configuration or am i
selling myself short?
Thanks in advance,