
cmallam wrote on 7/14/2007, 11:26 PM
>to a Dell 24" monitor, or are there better ways of doing this.

Why don't you just use an HDMI to DVI cable and go straight into the monitor?
aussiemick wrote on 7/15/2007, 12:10 AM
The V1does not display in full 1920 x1080 this way.
John_Cline wrote on 7/15/2007, 12:36 AM
I have a pair of Dell 2407 monitors hooked up to an nVidia 7950 video card using DVI. I use Windows Media Player with the nVidia "Pure Video" software and the playback of V1u footage looks absolutely great. Far better than running component analog out of the V1u into the 2407's component inputs.

JJKizak wrote on 7/15/2007, 5:53 AM
How does a monitor rated at 1920 x 1200 ( 16 x 10 screen) show video when driven with 1920 x 1080 (16 x 9) resolution since the max resolution it is rated at is 1920 x 1200?
RBartlett wrote on 7/15/2007, 3:10 PM
I'd be interested if the 2407 has this too. Early 23 and 30" HP monitors had the 16:10 ratio - fundamentally to slip under the bar of widescreen TV taxation. The clever menu system and forethought of the engineers allowed you to either represent 1920x1080 directly or to stretch it to 1920x1200. It was your choice back then, perhaps this is the way things are done generally.

Buying a 24" or 30" computer panel, especially one based on S-IPS (or actually consider one of the 1080-plasma TVs) seems to be quite a wise way forward with HD in the studio, edit bay or living/family-room. The TV LCD and "x768" plasma panels do especially at the lower end (for those sizes) have their compromises just for the sake of providing onboard speakers, remote-control interface, tuner, multiple component and HDMI ports. You can avoid this compromise by employing separates but that isn't what sells these larger sub US$1500-$2000 units.

The Cab/Sat receiver, the AV-receiver and scaler all have a place. There are also $100 units that convert VGA to DVI then this can be physically adapted to HDMI. Similarly, Y'PbPr outputs can be made into VGA with HSync+VSync separated out from Y'. Plenty of options and reasonable prices. You just need to choose how elegant or granular (picturing all those wall-wart plugtop PSUs!) you go with it.

HD is about convergence though. Even with the 16:10 tax loophole in place. For convergence with the living room and the computer - this leaves a place for the START bar or the application "dock".
John_Cline wrote on 7/15/2007, 3:53 PM
On my Dells, they display 1080 as 1080, there are black bands at the top and bottom.
CClub wrote on 7/15/2007, 9:13 PM
I'm hoping this isn't hijacking the posting, and it's sort of a beginner question: I just purchased a v1u, and I'm going to be buying a Canon HV20 as a 2nd camera to tape alongside the v1u. Is the v1u's 1440 x 1080 less resolution than the HV20's 1920 x 1080, or is the 1440 displayed as 1920? It doesn't make much sense to me that my $4k camera doesn't display as high of a resolution as my $1k camera.
RBartlett wrote on 7/15/2007, 11:48 PM
It does make sense as the number of pixels is important but not as important as the ability to gather light into those "pixels". The $4k footage will explain this for itself. You'll be color correcting your HV20 to your V1U (assuming you give both camcorders equal calibration/preparation time). Resolution alone is the subject of tire-kickers and spec boasters/envy. I wouldn't lose any sleep over the differences.

We can keep this on-thread if we mention that having an LCD panel with HDMI and component Y'PbPr inputs to hand would make a good field monitor for your pair! ;)

John_Cline wrote on 7/16/2007, 1:38 AM
Regardless of the image sensor size, 1080 HDV is 1440x1080.

Canon and Sony are using different imager technolgies, the Canon is true 1920x1080, the Sony uses an interesting technique to arrive at 1920x1080, but both downsampled to 1440x1080 before the video is recorded to tape.

farss wrote on 7/16/2007, 2:27 AM
And don't forget the lens!
None of these cameras can resolve anything like 1440x1080 in progressive scan. Which is probably a good thing as most display devices have major issues at way less than that resolution.

JJKizak wrote on 7/16/2007, 8:29 AM
John Cline:
I am assuming the new Dell 30" monitors perform the same as your 24's.
CClub wrote on 7/16/2007, 3:35 PM
How do you set up Windows Media Player to work with the Nvidia software you mentioned? I followed the link you mentioned, and I couldn't see a download/purchase anything. I have the Nvidia 7800 gtx; can this software be used with this video card? I also have the Dell 24"; not sure if that matters any.
John_Cline wrote on 7/16/2007, 4:10 PM

I haven't tried the 30" monitors, but I know it requires a card with dual-DVI outputs because a single DVI connection doesn't provide the bandwidth necessary to drive the 30" to its maximum resolution.


It is a plug-in for Windows Media Player. Here is the link:
