Blur out confidential text

dibbkd wrote on 3/11/2015, 12:05 PM
I'm doing a video of basically a screencast, where I've recorded using Camstudio a computer tutorial. Some of the information on the screen (like names, addresses, etc) need to be blurred out.

There are actually several fields throughout the video that need to be blurred, and as the page scrolls the blur would need to follow.

So, I do know how to duplicate the video track and mask and use the pixelate fx to blur something, but it is a pain in the butt doing it this way in Vegas, so was wondering if there's an easier way or some other program that would be better. (for example I can do slideshows in Vegas but it's easier and somewhat better to do them in ProShow Gold)



TheHappyFriar wrote on 3/11/2015, 1:10 PM
You could use pan/crop mask on the above track to blur out the stuff you wanted.

Put a color on the above track. Make the event the whole length of the clip. Draw your mask box around the words then use keyframes to move it as necessary. You can add as many mask to a single event as you want.

Another option is to export the a screengrab & put it in gimp/photoshop & draw something on top of it. :)
dibbkd wrote on 3/11/2015, 1:26 PM
Thanks, I'll try the pan/crop mask.

And it's a video recording of a computer screen, where the mouse and stuff is moving around, it's not just a single screengrab, otherwise I would have for sure just used photoshop to blur it out.
ritsmer wrote on 3/11/2015, 1:52 PM
You only need 1 track:

In Pan/Crop draw Bezier Masks around every object you want to blur - and then set "apply to mask" to yes and apply some light Gaussian Blur.
Grazie wrote on 3/12/2015, 12:58 AM
ritsmer's, but dependent on just which version of VP you are running.


ritsmer wrote on 3/12/2015, 3:12 AM
Right: It was introduced as a new feature in version 12.0.
TeetimeNC wrote on 3/12/2015, 9:42 AM
Kevin, I have used the cookie cutter as in this thread to blur and track. It is especially handy if you need to blur multiple objects.

TeetimeNC wrote on 3/12/2015, 9:48 AM
Also, check this thread for a way to use automation for blurring.

dibbkd wrote on 3/12/2015, 7:22 PM
Thanks for the suggestions everyone, and I do have Vegas Pro 12.

Jerry - I'll try out the cookie cutter, appreciate the feedback and links. Reading through them now.

And I miss the Vegas meetups, those were the good old days! :)