BSD Problems after (not during) running of either VMS17 or Pro19

robbif2 wrote on 7/15/2022, 7:29 AM

I'm having Windows 10 BSD problems that seem to happen only after (not during) running either VMS17(204) or Pro 19(532). I've been running those 2 versions for many months. The BSDs happen at seemingly random times, even during shutdown. Both editors still have their VERY frequent crashes, the the BSDs occur even with clean-boot, non-crash sessions.

I obviously suspected the video driver, or something stepping on it, which had not changed in over a year. I updated the driver and the problem still exsists. There have been several recent Windows updates.
After a clean boot, I've also run Photoshop CS6 and a recent version of MS Flight Sim (the only "game" I have) with no BSDs.

Before I go any further I want to anticipate your 1st question and ask the best way/app/procedure to capture my configuration to add to my profile, long overdue. Then please bear with me since it may take a while before I respond with all the details.


Dexcon wrote on 7/15/2022, 7:57 AM

Before going any further, try updating your VMS17 to the last build - build 223 (happy to be corrected on the build number) - and VP19 build 643, and see how they go with your system. If your computer is connected to the internet when you open either of these programs, it's surprising if you are not getting an unavoidable 'nag' window to update to the latest build.

Cameras: Sony FDR-AX100E; GoPro Hero 11 Black Creator Edition

Installed: Vegas Pro 16, 17, 18, 19, 20 & 21, HitFilm Pro 2021.3, DaVinci Resolve Studio 18.5, BCC 2023.5, Mocha Pro 2023, Ignite Pro, NBFX TotalFX 7, Neat NR, DVD Architect 6.0, MAGIX Travel Maps, Sound Forge Pro 16, SpectraLayers Pro 11, iZotope RX10 Advanced and many other iZ plugins, Vegasaur 4.0

Windows 11

Dell Alienware Aurora 11

10th Gen Intel i9 10900KF - 10 cores (20 threads) - 3.7 to 5.3 GHz

NVIDIA GeForce RTX 2080 SUPER 8GB GDDR6 - liquid cooled

64GB RAM - Dual Channel HyperX FURY DDR4 XMP at 3200MHz

C drive: 2TB Samsung 990 PCIe 4.0 NVMe M.2 PCIe SSD

D: drive: 4TB Samsung 870 SATA SSD (used for media for editing current projects)

E: drive: 2TB Samsung 870 SATA SSD

F: drive: 6TB WD 7200 rpm Black HDD 3.5"

Dell Ultrasharp 32" 4K Color Calibrated Monitor

robbif2 wrote on 7/15/2022, 9:28 AM

Before going any further, try updating your VMS17 to the last build - build 223 (happy to be corrected on the build number) - and VP19 build 643, and see how they go with your system. If your computer is connected to the internet when you open either of these programs, it's surprising if you are not getting an unavoidable 'nag' window to update to the latest build.

Thanks. I've been hesitant after trying to wade thru all the "horror stories" about the different or additional things that go wrong after updating. I've been doing a lot of editing and, even with the crashes and BSDs, I know what I've got. And yes, I do get those bleep Nags. But at this point, I think you're right. I'll probably do it today. I might update VMS first, and edit just with that for a while.

robbif2 wrote on 7/15/2022, 1:03 PM

Well, Just as the d/l of VMS17 install, I get a popup that a Windoze Update is about to be installed.
So I went ahead and did it. So now I want to wait day or so before upgrading VMS in the small (?)
chance the Win Update cures things. Thanks and Stay Tuned.

robbif2 wrote on 7/20/2022, 9:46 AM

Partial update. Sorry this is coming piecemeal.

I have not updated either VMS or Pro.
One consistent observation: The BSD, or the clue it's going to happen*, only happens after running either VMS or Pro. If I run any of my other everyday operations all day, I never get the DXGKRNL BSD.

* The clue: If I (1) select the "Open" prompt in either editor which executes VLC, or (2) Close the editor and start VLC manually and open any playable file (including the one just rendered), VLC displays a pink screen yet the audio playback continues.

Now, for my sake, and maybe yours, a quick review: This started happening with the Nvidia driver version I've used for probably a year. I've also been using VMS17(204) and Pro 19(532) for a long time before this happened.

I updated to the latest driver and the BSD continues.

So it seems to me, maybe it's not the driver (although I'm open to recommendations for an older one), but something else stepping on the driver.

So my naive question: what else has changed. Well, maybe Windoze updates?

I'm thinking my next step is to update each editor seperately and test how it works.

Thanks for listening!





robbif2 wrote on 7/21/2022, 7:27 PM

Latest: Today I completely uninstalled VMS17(204) and Pro 19(532) and installed VMS17(223).
Sofar I ran 2 edits and renders. I terminated the VMS17, ran VLC and got its pink window.
After the render, I did not select its Open option to run VLC instead of manually running VLC.
Previously either steps cause the pink screen some of the time.

I'll continue to test this setup for a couple days.

Please, any ideas would be appreciated.

One option: Even though I'd used the Nvida driver for many months without problems, I upgraded to the latest driver and the problems continued. I'm debating regressing to a much older version. Any thoughts on this?
