Buffer underflow in dvda

blink3times wrote on 8/6/2009, 11:43 PM
Trying to create a blu ray disk with avc@ 16Mbps, 1920x1080 (smart rendered clips from the sr11 cam) and I get the buffer error. (It should be noted that the sr11 actually puts out about 16.8Mbps so the output from vegas is 16.8 and not 16 because of the smart rendering).

The knowledge base says:

"This error may appear when the sum of the bitrates of all streams (video angles, audio, and subtitles) in a title that belong to same clip (*.m2ts) exceeds the maximum overall bit rate value.

Soooo.... what do they mean by: " the maximum overall bit rate value"? Is that the project properties setting???


Lou van Wijhe wrote on 8/7/2009, 2:03 AM
You've done nothing wrong. This is a bug that isn't solved yet, see
(on the DVDA Forum).

blink3times wrote on 8/7/2009, 3:06 AM
Thanks Lou.

Interesting thread... a bit like Saturday Night Live comedy hour trying to get SCS to see the error. Next time you speak to them give'em the links to these threads so they can see you're not the only one with the issue.
Lou van Wijhe wrote on 8/7/2009, 6:42 AM
I already did, George, but I wonder if they read them...

blink3times wrote on 8/7/2009, 7:33 AM

I've tried everything I can think of though.... avc... M2TS.... removing the h264 from the m2ts container with TSmuxer and then importing to dvda.... rendering without audio.... everything EXCEPT dropping the bit rate. Not willing to do that. DVDa clearly states that what I have on the time line is "compliant" so I shouldn't have to drop the bitrate.

It's a bug..... or dvda simply doesn't know a "compliant" file from a whole in the ground because it seems to me that a "compliant" file is just that.... compliant and therefore does not need re-compressing.

All i know now is that I'm going to be spending the next 18 hours or so re-rendering everything over to mpeg2.... and shortening my disk. Can't get 3 hours of mpeg2 (at full quality) on a 25gig disk :(
Lou van Wijhe wrote on 8/7/2009, 8:07 AM
I hope SCS comes up with a fix soon as I like AVC for its compactness and quality. There's nothing wrong with MPEG-2 but -as you said- you need a lot of space for it if you want to maintain good quality.

Lou van Wijhe wrote on 8/7/2009, 2:31 PM
SCS just confirmed they can reproduce the error. The issue is now transferred to engineering who will hopefully fix this bug SASPO. Further info in the thread in the DVDA Forum.
