Ticket number 2023081817001547
Every time you initialize a VST 2 / 3 plugin, the window that should display the GUI for this plugin flickers (white) and has a slow, delayed rendering of it's content.
The flickering does occur for three different occasions;
- When changing the tab, in order to show the plugin
- When toggling the state (on / off) for that plugin (by checkbox in tab)
- When undo / redo an event, originally set by the visible plugin
In Vegas 21 build 108 issue 1 seems "a bit better" (less delay, but still flickering),.
Issue 2 is gone in Vegas 21 (no flicker at all when toggling the state).
Issue 3 is still present for every undo / redo (the plugin GUI is completely build up from scratch for every CTRL + Z and CTRL - Y).
Please see this video, Vegas 21 / build 108.
I also captured the flickering and delayed the playback, so you can see what really happens;
- It looks like the canvas / window for the plugin is quite small when initializing;
- Than it becomes white;
- The plugin is showed cropped inside the window;
- The windows adjusts it's size (becomes white again);
- The interface is redrawn once again;
- And finally it 'fits' inside the container.
This whole sequence takes times, the flickering is annoying (especially when walking through the active plugins) and when undo / redo the GUI flickering simply makes you mad.
When it's not possible to change the speed of the GUI being drawn, maybe it's possible to change the background color for the initializing window.
It's now pure white, which gives headaches in a daily workflow and is very visual "in your face".
Once you set the background of that initializing window to a color, matching the main UI it is still delayed (of course), but less annoying.
See the mockup above, it is the same delayed movie as the second one, but I did change the background color for the plugin window.
At least it looks faster and is not hurting your eyes with flashing every time you open a plugin, or do some undo / redo stuff.