New Build 726 Views. Any views stored especially 2 or 3 monitor views will not function as in Build 714. I had to re build them and save again.
When moving the cursour on TL to a new position Preview monitors in GUI would disappear and TLwould move to top of screen
Same here ( on all systems ) .
Since version 12 , stored dual screen views are messed up when re-starting vegas12.
Have to re-load stored dual screens after vegas12 is started.
Has become a habit now but annoying actually.
Strange is that sometimes it is OK but most of the time have to re-load.
Never happened with all previous versions ( vegas 4......11 )
When completely messed-up , have to remove the stored views ( in vegas 12 ) , manually delete in the folder where they are stored and rebuild and save the views.
When lookng in that folder , notice vegas 12 using a different way of storing and
loading views .