Can Anybody Tell Me

datman wrote on 4/20/2004, 6:54 AM
Can Anybody Tell Me what software will I need?

I want to burn large audio files up to 6 hours in 16/44.1 on a DVD. I believe there are 2 audio formats "DVDaudio" and "DVD+audio" The 2nd can be played on most newer DVD players. The 1st can only be played on "DVDaudio player",many of the more expensive players. It would be a bonus to be able to insert track marks.
The other feature I want is to produce 5.1 audio mixes up to 24/96. I think this can be done with the current Vegas DVD.

I would buy this software today.It has to be able to do both these options. I have been waiting for Vegas 5.0 to come out. From the post I have made.DVD audio is not on 5.0. Or it is and nobody is interested in this feature and have no input.