I have twenty-four music videos in separate MPEG2 files. I want them to play one right after the other. End actions now let me do this. However, I have to go to each video and specify the end action. There doesn't seem to be any way to select multiple items and simultaneously apply the same property to each item (i.e., a "play next file in menu order" action). This seems to obvious a need to have been overlooked, so I must just be missing something.
Am I missing something? Since DVDA2 now uses this property sheet metaphor, I kind of expected to be able to do this, not just for end actions, but for most other things as well.
Also, if I want to enlarge the font for subtitles, is there a quick way to do that globally? I can select each subtitle on the preview screen and change the text size, color, etc., but this is going to be painful on a large project. There must be a way to do this faster.
Am I missing something? Since DVDA2 now uses this property sheet metaphor, I kind of expected to be able to do this, not just for end actions, but for most other things as well.
Also, if I want to enlarge the font for subtitles, is there a quick way to do that globally? I can select each subtitle on the preview screen and change the text size, color, etc., but this is going to be painful on a large project. There must be a way to do this faster.