Can't Capture Stereo Audio from Sony PD-X10, can anybody?

miwi21 wrote on 4/3/2004, 4:21 PM
Some of this was discussed in the thread "Stereo Audio Captures in mono" and I pretty much copied this post from my earlier post in " Can those who use "Scenalyzer" please explain it's advantages over Video Capture 3.0 or 4.0?" thread.

I have a problem capturing stereo audio from my PD-X10 into Vegas, comes in as mono. (There’s an exception to this, if the audio is recorded 12 bit, 32k then Vegas captures it as stereo.) My camera repair person responded to the problem with this:

“I contacted Sony on this and are aware of this and this is their
response: ‘The PDX10 and other cameras in the DSR line "from
DSR300 and
higher’ code the audio as ‘2 Channel Audio’ in DV vs
‘Stereo Audio’ that
Sony consumer cameras, Digital8 and the DSR-PD150 code. They say the
problem is the Microsoft Codec that Vegas Video and many other
software use to capture. It doesn't read the ‘2channel
audio’ properly
and only picks up the left channel. Sony's work around is to use a
party Codec for capture. They gave "Scenalyzer" as a Codec
that will
capture "2Channel Audio" properly.

Audio from a VX-2000, PD-150, and TRV-510( Digital 8), all capture correctly.

I downloaded Scenalyzer and it is able to capture the audio as stereo. As to the “codec”, the FAQ’s on the Scenalyzer site says:

Q: Which codec does ScenalyzerLive use and how can I set the codec?
A: ScenalyzerLive doesn't need to use a codec for capturing or playback. It uses the MS-DV codec for displaying pictures in the program. Your editing-application will normally use the MS-DV codec for type1 files and the currently installed vfw DV codec for type2 files. If for example the mainconcept codec is installed on your system, then type2 DV files are "mainconcept codec files".

Actually I'm told that there is no codec used in capture so that whole issue shouldn't be a factor.

I don’t understand why SonyVegas can’t capture PD-X10 audio correctly but the bottom line is that Scenalyzer can. I suppose I could just purchase Scenalyzer and forget it, but a knowledgeable person who was kind enough to help believes it is a problem with the camera.

DOES ANYONE USE A PD-X10 WITH VEGAS AND CAPTURE THE AUDIO CORRECTLY AS STEREO? It's not a question of settings using the XLR inputs as it works the same with on-camera mic, and a stereo mic using mini-plug.



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