okay, i can import this vegas file, but i cannot open it without it locking up in the middle of the opening, right around 19% progress. i don't have this problem with any other vegas file and i never use thumbnails in my proj media listing.
So, have you imported the Veg as a "Nested Veg" within another Project? Yes? But now you can't OPEN that Nested Veg? How are you attempting to OPEN that Nested Veg?
better wording, hopefully: "correct. i can import the .veg as a nested file in a separate vegas file, and i can also pull that same imported .veg file into the timeline and play it, no problem. but i need to edit this vegas file but i can't, b/c vegas consistently locks when i try to open it, as oppose to import it.
in short, no. but the longer answer is i never use nested .veg files anyway. i was just experimenting with nesting in this case to see if this particular vegas file worked at all, which it does; but only in that imported/nested/"part of a larger timeline" reality. but not as a simple vegas file that i need to open and work with specifically.
I sounds as if your experimentation has led you into a partially closed "nested" veg and that could very well be stopping you wanting to open the veg that has been nested. I've had this.
My questioning was a feeble attempt to understand what your process was, so I could eliminate any use of Nesting. It appears you have used nesting and that that could have created your issues.
You could try deleting any reference to that veg in any other veg. What BUILD of Vegas are you using?
Thats good. So this would imply any issue with nests "would" have been corrected (?). Other than removing any reference of the nest elsewhere, I can't offer any more.
All I can offer and it isn't much is to ask how long has Newmediarules waited for the project to open. Complex projects in every version of Vegas do seem to get stuck for a while at about the 30% mark.
umm, a few minutes, maybe five? i don't THINK the project is all that complex, but maybe: a lotta raw footage, but no treatments on it, and only a few fades/transitions. and i hate to say it, but what is a backup project file?