Can Win XP NTFS read/write WIN98 files created under FAT 32?

wvg wrote on 10/25/2001, 2:08 PM
I'm considering upgrading to XP. If I do, I plan on switiching computers so the one I use online and for editing with VF will have XP and the other WIN98.

I also have Microsoft's Home Network, so I was wondering a.)can I safely archive files created under XP NTFS on the networked PC that will be running WIN98?
b.)can XP NTFS mount FAT 32 volumes, reading/writing files on same?


discdude wrote on 10/26/2001, 6:40 AM
"... a.)can I safely archive files created under XP NTFS on the networked PC that will be running WIN98? ..."

Yes, provided that the files are
"... b.)can XP NTFS mount FAT 32 volumes, reading/writing files on same?"
